Properties of Water Chapter 6
1. POLARITY Uneven distribution of charge The oxygen end of the water molecule has a slightly negative charge while the hydrogen end has a slightly positive charge.
2. SOLVENT From Latin solvere meaning “to loosen.” Water dissolves other polar substances (NaCl or sugar) Water does not dissolve nonpolar substances (oil)
3. HYDROGEN BONDING Hydrogen bonds are weak bonds that form between hydrogen atom and an oxygen atom. Hydrogen bonds cause water to form a liquid at room temperature.
4. COHESION Force that holds molecules of water together. Creates surface tension where water “sticks” to water and forms a “skin.” Ex.) Basilisk Lisard
5. ADHESION The attraction of water molecules to another material or surface. Water “sticks” to other substances that also have a charge.
6. CAPILLARITY or CAPILLARY ACTION Water molecules are attracted to another surface (adhesion). Water “sticks” to water (cohesion) and moves up the straw. ~iowawet/H2OProp erties.html#capillary ~iowawet/H2OProp erties.html#capillary
7. DENSITY Water has a density of 1.00g/mL Any substance that has a density less than 1.00g/mL will float while any substance that has a density greater than 1.00g/mL will ______. Density = Mass (g) / Volume (mL)