Standard :- 7th Subject :- Science 13. FOOD AND NUTRITION Std. 7 th Rayat Shikshan Sanstha , Karmveer Vidhyaprabhodhini Madhya Vibhag ,Satara Standard :- 7th Subject :- Science 13. FOOD AND NUTRITION Std. 7 th Sub. Science Unit - 13. FOOD AND NUTRITION
1. Parts of The Alimentary Canal The alimentary canal (or gut) is the tube within the body through which food passes and is processed in various ways
2. Role of the Mouth Teeth assist the mechanical breakdown of food Saliva is mixed with food during chewing Saliva contains the enzyme amylase which starts the digestion of food Salivary gland Saliva contains mucus that keeps the mouth moist and lubricates food for easier swallowing Salivary gland Salivary gland
3. Muscles of the Alimentary Canal Food has to be kept moving along the alimentary canal whilst being mixed with various juices These actions are brought about by muscles in the walls of the canal over which a person has little or no conscious control
Digestion ‘the breakdown of large insoluble molecules into soluble molecules’
Sites of production of main digestive juices Site of digestive juice production Main digestive juice produced Mouth Saliva Stomach Gastric juice Liver Bile (breaks down big fat droplets into little fat droplets Pancreas Pancreatic juice Small Intestine Intestinal juice
Digestion and Digestive Juices SALIVA Salivary amylase GASTRIC JUICE Hydrochloric acid Pepsin (protease) Bile PANCREATIC JUICE Pancreatic lipase INTESTINAL JUICE
In the Mouth… Starch maltose Broken down into glucose later by other amylases Salivary amylase
In the stomach Protein peptides Broken down into amino acids later by other proteases pepsin
In the pancreas…. Fats fatty acids and glycerol Pancreatic lipase
After all the digestive enzymes have done their work… Glucose Amino acids Fatty acids Glycerol
Annasaheb Kalyani Vidyalaya , Camp Satara Rayat Shikshan Sanstha , Karmveer Vidhyaprabhodhini Madhya Vibhag ,Satara Created By – Annasaheb Kalyani Vidyalaya , Camp Satara Std. 7 th Sub. Science Unit - 13. FOOD AND NUTRITION