16. Today in your car tires what is happening to the pressure due to the weather conditions? Why? 17. What kind of air mass was over us yesterday? Why?


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Presentation transcript:

16. Today in your car tires what is happening to the pressure due to the weather conditions? Why? 17. What kind of air mass was over us yesterday? Why? 18. Why is there a cool breeze near the ocean during the middle of a hot day? 19. What layer of the atmosphere do we live in? How is that layer heated? End

* Air masses don’t mix * Front = boundary between them * What happens? * Warm, less dense air moves up * Cold, more dense air sinks * Types * Cold * Warm * Stationary * Occluded * Type of cloud can tell you what type of front

* Storms * Warm, moist air rises * Condenses at… * Clouds build * Updrafts and downdrafts * Lightning * Build up of charge * Negative  positive * Heats up air * Causes thunder

* Form in severe thunderstorms * Wind at different altitudes is different speeds * Creates swirling winds * Eventually become vertical * Swirling cloud reaches ground = tornado * Not on ground for long * Extremely low pressure * Winds mph * Not well understood * Damage * Tornado warnings and what to do…

20. Why does oil float on water? Why does a paper clip? (Can you make either one sink?) 21. A front has moved into this area. What would be some signs that this has happened? How would you know what kind of front it is? 22. How are tornadoes created? 23. Why are tornadoes so destructive? End

* High speed wind * Upper troposphere, lower stratosphere * No consistent path * Effect weather patterns

* Unequal heating at different latitudes * Equator (lower latitudes) * Warmer air * Rises, lowers pressure * Moves towards poles * Sinks when cools, higher pressure * Convection cells * Patterns of moving air and high/low pressure * Create areas of high and low winds

* Wind moves in a straight line * Earth’s rotation * Causes appearance of curving * Northern Hemisphere = clockwise (right) * Southern Hemisphere = counter-clockwise (left)

* Large weather systems * Impacted by Coriolis effect * Cyclone * Low pressure * Pulls air in and upward * Produces storms * Anti-cyclone * High pressure * Air moves out and downward * Clear skies

24. What are the 3 major conditions needed for clouds to form? 25. What is the Coriolis effect? 26. What is the jet stream? 27. How are lightning and thunder created? 28. What from this unit can you use to describe/explain our weather this weekend? End

* Winds at least 74 mph * Form over tropics * Warm, moist air forms clouds * Rotating * More water evaporates * Creates low pressure “eye” * Lacks wind * Gets larger with more evaporation * Loses energy once it hits land * No more “fuel” * Cyclones, typhoons, hurricanes