By Joey Zimmerman
Why Steve Rogers? Steve Rogers was chosen to be the recipient of the Super Soldier serum. Steve Rogers was a frail small man. With high character. He wanted to fight to protect his country, not to kill Nazis.
Powers Captain America’s athletic abilities are enhanced to a level that they are unprecedented among humans. Bottom line is, he is a boss, a bad ass, and everyone knows it. he also has this super swank shield that can block and protect him from anything.
Demographics Cap M’urica is ageless… He was frozen in ice for like 40+ years so we don’t really know how old he is… sorry Madam Cap is male, not married, but he did get with a really hot girl in the movie.
Psychographics Captain America is a quiet man, but he does stand up for what is right. Captain America is a person of high character, a lot of integrity.
Similarities and Differences Cap and I are similar because we are American, and I love my close friends and would do anything for them. We are different because I didn’t take steroids/ a super human serum… and I don’t own a shield.
Rights Owned by Marvel’s Stan Lee.
Marketing? Captain America was utilized as in icon for the war effort. He was sent around America to promote the war effort.
Future Marketing I would continue Marketing Captain America by making more movies, because that really gets his name out there. The movie was a great success. Using Captain America to support the war was a huge success, It could work the same way with promoting peace.