In the show Rob and Big most the people shown on the show are young Rob is 33 years old. Big Black is 36 years old. Most people that are seen on the show are not over 40 years old.
The main characters are very high in the class system, even though they didn’t start out that way. Rob was just a regular kid until he got his first skateboard, and Big Black doesn’t say anything about his past. Rob, a skateboarder, is extremely rich and demands a lot of things. An example of that is Rob always demands things from Drama, Rob’s cousin. He doesn’t demand a lot, though. He usually demands small things such as a banana or to sweep the floor around Rob. He almost always gets what he wants. Rob has a good side, though. He builds skate parks for kids who are underprivileged all over the world.
Big Black, a part-time body guard and full time rapper, is a 6’6’’ 375 lb. African-American. His birth name was Christopher Boykin. He is also very high in the class system, meaning that he is rich. Considering that he has his own signature hat, sunglasses, rims, T-shirt and shoes, he is very, very rich. Unlike Rob, we do not no of a side of Big Black that is nice to people in the lower class. But since he is Rob’s bodyguard, we can expect him to be nice to less fortunate people.
RACE The way this show shows race is by having the character Christopher Boykin. He goes by the name of “Big Black.” The way he got his nickname is because he is 375-pounds, 6-foot-6-inch African American executive specialist. He is treated as this big guy that can eat tons of food and is a body guard for Rob. Other than this there are only white main characters.
Race Also, one night Meaty, their dog, is lonely and he needs a “date.” So Rob and Big go out and get a Mini Horse for him, then try and get him a dog girlfriend. Many of Rob’s friends are Caucasian, while almost all of Big Black’s friends are African-American.
In Episode 7 Season 1 (the Dog Whisperer) Meaty is upset because there is no female mother figure in the house. This is a straight up fact that there are no major female roles in the series. For example, there is one episode where Rob's mom comes to visit, but you never see her again at all in the series The only females ever shown are very minor or extremely useless to the plot I find this to be discriminating to women everywhere