ENT 151 StaticsPPK Mekatronik Contents Course Description Syllabus Textbooks and Assessment Contact Information Assignment 1
ENT 151 StaticsPPK Mekatronik Course Description UNIT NAME:ENT 151 Static LECTURER:Mr. Mohd Shukry bin Abdul Majid Mr. Azizul Mohamad CONTACT HOURS: 5 hours per week & TUITION PATTERN: 3 hours lecture, 2 hour tutorial/laboratory; CREDITS:4 credits PRE-REQUISITES:None OBJECTIVE:The objective of the course is to introduce students the concept of mechanics in static condition.
ENT 151 StaticsPPK Mekatronik COURSE OUTCOME (CO) Course Outcome (CO): CO1: Able to use basic concepts of mechanics and vector mechanics to solve static equilibrium problems. CO2: Able to use and explain the concepts of force equilibrium and statically determinate structure. CO3: Able to use and explain the relation between the concepts of static’s resultant force and the applications of frictions. CO4: Able to explain and compute the forces in structures. e.g. Truss, frames and machines
ENT 151 StaticsPPK Mekatronik Syllabus CHAPTER 2. STATICS OF PARTICLES (3 hours) 2.1–6 Addition and Resolution of Forces 2.7–8 Rectangular Components 2.9–11 Equilibrium of a Particle CHAPTER 3. RIGID BODIES: EQUIVALENT SYSTEMS OF FORCES (6 hours) 3.1–8 Vector Product; Moment of a Force about a Point 3.9–11 Scalar Product; Moment of a Force about an Axis 3.12–16 Couples 3.17–20 Equivalent Systems of Forces CHAPTER 4. EQUILIBRIUM OF RIGID BODIES (6 hours) 4.1–4 Equilibrium in Two Dimensions 4.5 Indeterminate Reactions; Partial Constraints 4.6–7 Two- and Three-Force Bodies 4.8–9 Equilibrium in Three Dimensions
ENT 151 StaticsPPK Mekatronik Syllabus CHAPTER 5. CENTROIDS AND CENTERS OF GRAVITY (3 hours) 5.1–5 Centroids and First Moments of Areas and Lines 5.6–7 Centroids by Integration 5.10–12 Centroids of Volumes CHAPTER 6. ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURES (6 hours) 6.1–4 Trusses by Method of Joints 6.7 Trusses by Method of Sections 6.9–11 Frames 6.12 Machines CHAPTER 8. FRICTION (3 hours) 8.1–4 Laws of Friction and Applications 8.5–6 Wedges and Screws 8.10 Belt Friction
ENT 151 StaticsPPK Mekatronik CHAPTER 9. MOMENTS OF INERTIA (3 hours) 9.1–5 Moments of Inertial of Areas 9.6–7 Composite Areas 9.11–15 Moments of Inertia of Masses
ENT 151 StaticsPPK Mekatronik Textbooks and Assessment REQUIRED TEXT: Ferdinand P. Beer, Russel Johnston, “ Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics”. 7 th edition in SI Units. McGraw-Hill. RECOMMENDED TEXTS: R.C. Hibbeler, “Engineering Mechanics: Statics”. 2 nd ed. Pearson Prentice Hall. J.L. Meriam, L.G. Kraige, “Engineering Mechanics: Statics”. 5 th ed. SI Version. John Wiley & Sons
ENT 151 StaticsPPK Mekatronik ASSESSMENT Laboratory Works & Case Study30% Tutorial, Assignments & Quizzes10% Mid-semester test. (Date to be announced in lecture)10% Final examination. 50% The University’s policy on Plagiarism applies to all assessable components of this unit.
ENT 151 StaticsPPK Mekatronik LABORATORY Laboratory work to cover the followings; 1.Resolution of Forces 2.Equilibrium of Beam with Two & Three Forces 3.Helical and Bending a Leaf Spring 4.Moment of Inertia 5.Friction on Inclined Plane and Angles 6.Case Study
ENT 151 StaticsPPK Mekatronik Contact Information Mr Mohd Shukry bin Abdul Majid Mr Azizul Mohamad
ENT 151 StaticsPPK Mekatronik Assignment 1 Do the following questions: 2.5, 2.18, 2.25, 2.34, 2.43, 2.54, 2.61, 2.71 (All the questions are taken from Vector Mechanics for Engineers Statics, by Beer and Johnston, Seventh Edition in SI Units) Please submit the assignment to Mr. Azizul on Monday, 21 st January 2007 at the end of the class. Late submission will be penalized. Failure to submit the assignment without any valid and concrete explanation will lead to no point been awarded. Please try as much as possible do it by yourself. If still having difficulties, please discuss with your fellow course mates. Feel free to ask guidance from any of the lecturers, but please do not expect us to solve the problems for you. The final answers for all the questions is available at the end of the textbook. Please kindly notice that we would rather look at your attempt and problem solving skills instead of the final answer. Good luck!