Environmental Law Graduate Course Course Overview
Introductions Who am I? Mark Pollins, Director, Water Enforcement Division, Office of Civil Enforcement, US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC And you?
Hours one through six Survey of US Environmental Law Survey of US Environmental Law Statutes cover air, waste water, wetlands protection, oil spills and prevention, drinking water, hazardous and municipal waste, and hazardous waste cleanup. Statutes cover air, waste water, wetlands protection, oil spills and prevention, drinking water, hazardous and municipal waste, and hazardous waste cleanup.
Hours seven and eight Chesapeake Bay Case Study Chesapeake Bay Case Study Recently developed and on-going cross media strategy to address the ill health of a major US water body. Recently developed and on-going cross media strategy to address the ill health of a major US water body.
Hour nine Effluent Trading Recent development in using market forces to curb pollution.
Hours ten through twelve Application of strategy concepts to environmental problems in Ukraine.
Goals A comprehensive understanding of US Environmental Law and how that law compares with the law in Ukraine. Experience with a strategy template for addressing environmental problems. Understanding of innovative market-driven techniques being tested in the US and the potential for use in Ukraine.
Rules All questions are good. Please share how this relates to the system in Ukraine. Please see me outside of lecture too.
“A professor is someone who talks in some else’s sleep.” W. H. Auden ( ) English Poet
“We are all here on earth to help others; what on earth the others are here for I don’t know.” W. H. Auden