TOPICS Collection through Call Center of the demands of participation of the Customers. Automatic collection of the signallings of alarm through telesorveglianza. Classification of the tipologia of participation to carry out. Transmission of the information to the responsibles of the service. Allocation of the participation to the present squares on the territory. Dispatching to the squares of the participation of the correlated information. Possibility of interested video inspection of the situated one to the participation. Collection and storicizzazione of the participations. Generation of report standard and personalizes to you.
CARACTERISTICS AND FUNCTIONALITIES They Centers Operating. - Functionality Call Taker/Dispatcher. - Cartographic Functionality and Serveur Interface. - Functionality Supervision and Administration. - Functionality of statistics, reportistica and consuntivazione. Squares of ready participation. - Localization to satellitare of the square and its operating State. - Shipment and precodified and free messaggistica reception. - Management of the event (taken in cargo, modernization of the state, eventual operating notes, closing and recording). - Consuntivazione of the participation
CARACTERISTICS AND FUNCTIONALITIES Operating Center Functionality of Call Taker. - Collection demanded of participation. - Reception of alarms automati to us. - Consultation Database and Rubriche. - Information on the state of the mission.
CARACTERISTICS AND FUNCTIONALITIES Operating Center Dispatcher functionality. - Creation of the participations. - Creation of the services. - Allocation of the missions. - Cordinamento of the squares. - Management of the missions in course.
CARACTERISTICS AND FUNCTIONALITIES Operating Center Cartographic functionality. - Visualization cartography Raster and Vettoriale of the territory. - Visualization objects to you sensitive. - Visualization in real time of the position and the state of the squares. - Shipment and reception of digital messaggistica them. - Calculation of the optimal distance between more points and the squares. - Map of with of the position of the squares.
CARACTERISTICS AND FUNCTIONALITIES Operating Center Functionality Supervisor. - Supervision emplacements CallTaker and Dispatcher - Management Signallings and participations not attributed. - Consultation Historical signallings and participations. - Generation report personalizes to you.
CARACTERISTICS AND FUNCTIONALITIES Operating Center Functionality Information Retrieval. - Personalizzazione query. - Report Generation personalizes to you. - Export towards Junior clerks you of Office Automation (Word, Excel, Access etc).
CARACTERISTICS AND FUNCTIONALITIES Operating Center Functionality Serveur Interface. - Management communication with the squares. - Carriers Support To You: Radio? GSM.? GPRS.? Satellitare.
CARACTERISTICS AND FUNCTIONALITIES Work Forces Ruggedized Finishes Them. - Palmare Windows CE. - Video Touch 32 Screen TFT Bit Transflettivo. - Tastierino integrated Qwerty. - they of communication Finishes Given GPRS. - Localization Integrated Satellitare GPS.
CARACTERISTICS AND FUNCTIONALITIES Work Forces On the following functionalities finish them of the squares are available: Authentication Square? Car localization satellitare.? Management be of advance mission? Consuntivazione data transmission of the mission activities.
Via Matteotti, Calcio (BG) Italy Tel. 0363/ Fax. 0363/