Security Mechanisms The European DataGrid Project Team
Security Tutorial - n° 2 Overview User side n Getting a certificate n Becoming a member of the VO Server side n Authentication / CA n Authorization / VO (with some examples)
Security Tutorial - n° 3 Authentication Authentication (CA Working Group) n Policies & Procedures mutual trust n Currently the EDG CA group has approved s 15 EDG CAs s 5 CrossGrid CAs n France-CNRS acted as catchall CA to accept sites not covered by accepted CAs n Users identified by their personal certificate CrossGrid Certification Authorities Slovakia Cyprus Poland Greece DataGrid Certification Authorities CERN Czech Republic Canada France CNRS Germany Ireland Netherlands Nordic Countries Portugal Russia Spain United Kingdom US – DOE CrossGrid CAs
Security Tutorial - n° 4 Authorization Authorization (Authorization Working Group) n Based on Virtual Organizations (VO) n Authorizations by experiment n Virtual Organizations n Each VO has his own manager DataGrid Virtual Organizations WP6 ITEAM TSTG ALICE ATLAS LHCb CMS BABAR D0 EARTHOB GENOMIC MEDICAL IMAGING Guidelines
Security Tutorial - n° 5 Authentication Overview Method to request certificate depending of the CA A certificate is valid 1 year Web request n France CNRS n Ireland n Italy n Netherlands n United Kingdom n US DOE Grid-cert-request n Canada n CERN n Germany n Nordic Countries n Portugal n Russia n Spain Openssl request n Czech Republic
Security Tutorial - n° 6 CNRS Personal Certificate Request n See demo
Security Tutorial - n° 7 Certificate Convertion Convert your certificate from PKCS12 format in PEM format n /opt/edg/bin/pkcs12-extract Or openssl pkcs12 -nocerts \ -in cert.p12 \ -out ~user/.globus/userkey.pem openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys \ -in cert.p12 \ -out ~user/.globus/usercert.pem
Security Tutorial - n° 8 Authorization User registration in an EDG Virtual Organisation Sign the usage guidelines: In case of problem, contact your VO Manager -> You are registered in the VO server and have a user account.
Security Tutorial - n° 9 Usage You must have a valid certificate from a trusted CA! „login”: grid-proxy-init short lifetime certificate: 24 hours Enter PEM pass phrase: checking the proxy: grid-proxy-info -subject /O=Grid/O=CERN/ Frohner/CN=proxy „logout”: grid-proxy-destroy -> use the grid services
Security Tutorial - n° 10 CNRS Host Certificate Request n See demo You receive by crypted and signed the host certificate
Security Tutorial - n° 11 Configuration on the Server All RPMs are here: n Certificate and CRL URLs of the CAs:Authentication n Creation of the gridmapfile:Authorization n mkgridmap i386.rpm mkgridmap i386.rpm Scripts to update gridmapfile and CRLs: Authentication/Authorization n system noarch.rpm system noarch.rpm
Security Tutorial - n° 12 Summary Authentification n n n Authorization n n
Security Tutorial - n° 13 Further Information Grid EDG CAs: Globus Security: EDG WP2: management/security/ management/security/ EDG D7.5: Background GGF Security: GSS-API: 84.htmlhttp:// 84.html IETF PKIX charter: charter.htmlhttp:// charter.html PKCS: