EAP’s Sponsored and in Partnership with Conseil Collège Raad on Line C.C.R.L. Céline Vanderborght MarketingCIRB Tu-Anh Nguyen Chef de projet CIRB Microsoft and e-ID Early Adopter Program 2005
EAP’s Sponsored and in Partnership with Business Needs eID authentification on the CCRL application: collaborative plateform for local politicians Integration with our application based on Java / Linux environment Integration with our SSO strategy: actually CAS (Yale University) used on the Brussels regional web portal (
EAP’s Sponsored and in Partnership with Technical Solution: 3 scenarios Static web pages hosted on MS server (demo) Integration Java / Linux environment need for human ressources from both sides (MS and CIRB) To use SSO MS product probably out of scope
EAP’s Sponsored and in Partnership with Lessons Learned How to make a bridge between 2 differents worlds Know-how Preconceived opinion (CIRB) eID stability and documentation Interoperability becomes important to MS (Passeport Federation Services)
EAP’s Sponsored and in Partnership with Conseil Collège Raad on Line C.C.R.L.
EAP’s Sponsored and in Partnership with
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