PORTRAITS OF A CHRISTIAN Romans 12 v. 1- living sacrifice acceptable to God v. 2- not conformed to world but transformed by renewal of the mind (study). v. 2- living proof of what is good, acceptable and perfect will of God. v. 3- not arrogant. vs. 3-8- needs other brethren v. 9- abhors evil, cleaves to good v. 10- loves in every way; puts others over self v.11- not lazy, rejoicing; patient in troubles; always prayerful v.14-17- not vindictive; honest; v. 18-20- tried to live peaceably with all; not looking for vengeance v. 21- is not overcome of evil but overcomes evil with good.
Philippians 3 & 4 V. 1- rejoices in the Lord V. 2- watchful of harmful things V. 13-15 not living in the past- reaching for things in the future; pressing on to the mark of heaven v. 20- fellowship with heavenly things, spiritually minded. 4:1- joy to know; longed for by the faithful 4:4- joyful 4: 8- thinks on wholesome things and rejoices. 4:11-12- know how to be happy with little or much 4:13- depends on the Lord to help him do all things
Colossians 3 V. 1- seeks things above V. 2- affections on things above V. 3- life is covered up by Christ V. 5- puts to death self and the flesh Vs. 8-9- puts off: anger; wrath; malice; blasphemy; filthy talk out of the mouth includes gossip; not a liar; has put off the old man of sin
Colossians 3 & 4 V. 10- is a changed new man in Christ V. 12- merciful; kind; humble in mind; meek; long-suffering; forbearing; forgiving of others; if has a quarrel he is ready to resolve it; puts on love (the bond of perfection); has peace of God in his heart Vs. 17- does all (word and deeds) acts only by authority of God. V. 18-22 godly wife (submits); godly husband (loves wife- not bitter toward them); obedient children; godly father; godly worker- wants to please God not men V. 23- does all he does with all his heart to please the Lord not men; in view of God giving the reward not men. 4:2-5- prayerful; watchful; thankful; looking for openings to teach the gospel to others. 4:6- mature in speech knowing how to answer all men.