Sometimes we encourage “bad behavior" in children because we think it’s cute … it isn’t- don’t do that. Bad behaviors are like making “ugly” faces- they.


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Presentation transcript:

Sometimes we encourage “bad behavior" in children because we think it’s cute … it isn’t- don’t do that. Bad behaviors are like making “ugly” faces- they might just stay that way!

But “bad behaviors” aren’t just encouraged in children… Sometimes, adults encourage “bad behaviors” and poor attributes among themselves by thinking they’re acceptable, attractive, or even commendable. For instance: >Jealousy over a mate is sometimes viewed as a “proof” of caring, and is even encouraged. >But jealousy is actually a “deed of the flesh” which is condemned by God as sinful, Gal.5:20. >So don’t encourage or admire what God says prevents entrance to heaven, Gal.5:21!

Jealousy isn’t the only “bad behavior” we adults accept that God rejects as sinful: What about “worry”? We often either accept, or even try to excuse it: > “Worrying just shows you care.” > “I’m just a worrier and I can’t help it. My mother / dad was a worrier, so it’s in my genes.” > “Well I just love my family so much I can’t help worrying about them.”

Before we examine the scriptures regarding ‘worry,’ let’s test these justifications for it with reason and logic: “Worrying just shows you care.” > Does worry have exclusive rights to manifesting love- or is it just the easiest and least costly for us personally? Luke 10:30ff. > Manifesting your love through action isn’t as easy and convenient as worrying, but it is much more productive. 2Cor.8:8; Rom.12:2 > If we attempt to “show our love” by worrying, it may be that how we’re perceived is more of a concern than their welfare.

Before we examine the scriptures regarding ‘worry,’ let’s test these justifications for it with reason and logic: “I’m just a worrier and I can’t help it. My mother / father / grandmother / grandfather was a worrier, so it’s in my genes.” > Really? There is a “worrying gene” in the DNA chain? I didn’t know! All this time I though it was a learned behavior! I had no idea children came into the world with the “worry” birth defect! Matt.18:3 > Surely you don’t believe that we are “predestined” by our genes to sinful behavior. > What if your ancestor was a thief, murderer, etc. Would such justify or excuse your sinful behavior? cf. Eph.2:1-3 > 1Cor.6:9-11; Ezk.18:20

Before we examine the scriptures regarding ‘worry,’ let’s test these justifications for it with reason and logic: “Well I just love my family and friends so much I can’t help worrying about them.” > Concern for your loved ones is one thing. You would be “without natural affection” (Rom.1:31, KJV, ASV) without it. 1Tim.5:8; et al. > But constant hand-wringing, fretting, and debilitating worry is not excusable by love. > Jesus undoubtedly loved His family- did He allow such deter Him from more important matters? cf. Mark 3:32-35; 10:29-30 > Luke 14:26ff

Now, what do the scriptures tell us about “worry”? That it usually is centered on carnal things that have no eternal value, Matt.6: > Where are the things about which you “worry” located? vv > “Worrying” about such carnal things darkens the perspective, vv >“Worrying” about physical things can cause you to despise and blame God, v.24. >“Worry” can cause us to miss the real importance, meaning, and joy of life, v.25 > Lk.12:15; Phil.4:6-7!

Now, what do the scriptures tell us about “worry”? That it fails to recognize the value God places on us as His creation, Matt.6:26. > Do we understand that when we “worry” about things it implies that we think God is unaware of, or unconcerned with, them? > God is concerned for, and cares for, all His creation, cf. Matt.10: > Don’t indict God through worry!

Now, what do the scriptures tell us about “worry”? That it doesn’t accomplish anything, Matt.6:27. > Many worry constantly and excessively about their health- or that of a loved one. If that’s you, read this verse again, and every day! > Certainly we should take care of our health, and that of our family. But guess what? We and they are still going to die, Heb.9:27. Worry won’t prevent or even delay it. In fact, it may hasten it! > Don’t make yourself and your family miserable until death comes by worrying incessantly about your or their health. It doesn’t help!

Now, what do the scriptures tell us about “worry”? That it comes from a lack of faith, Matt.6: > Get that! If you are a worrier, Jesus said that you have “little faith”- meaning your faith is deficient, and deserves the attention and effort you’re wasting on worry! > Use that time, energy, and attention you’ve been spending on worry to strengthen your faith. > Faith comes from hearing the word of God- so read it, meditate upon it, and pray to God that you have the wisdom to understand it and the courage to live it. And then stop worrying because that is exactly what it will tell you to do!

Now, what do the scriptures tell us about “worry”? That it is characteristic of the condemned, not the Christian, Matt.6: > The Gentiles worry about physical things because they know nothing else- you know better! 1Cor.2:14-16 > The Gentiles worry about disease and death because they have no hope beyond this life- you know and have better! 1Thess.4:13; Phil.3:20 > Where is the faithful Christian who looks forward to death because he knows it brings far better things than this life??? Rev.14:13

Now, what do the scriptures tell us about “worry”? That it prevents us from “seeking first the kingdom and His righteousness,” Matt.6: > How often the “worries of the world” gobble up our attention and time and prevent us from attending to spiritual matters of eternal importance, cf. Luke 8:14. This verse says that such causes us to “bring no fruit to maturity.” > Is worry preventing your spiritual growth and maturity? > Is worry preventing your fruit-bearing in the kingdom? Likely so, if you allow it.

What have we learned about “worry”? That it: usually is centered on carnal things that have no eternal value; fails to recognize the value God places on us as His creation; doesn’t accomplish anything; comes from a lack of faith; is characteristic of the condemned, not the Christian; and that it prevents us from “seeking first the kingdom and His righteousness”. Now tell me again why you worry when this is what Jesus said about it. Stop worrying about anything and everything but pleasing God and He’ll take care of the rest!