How to Demonstrate Faith James 2:14-26 Good works performed after salvation are evidence of genuine faith.
Important note James is not: trying to refute the teaching of salvation by grace through faith alone saying that you can lose your salvation explaining how to get to heaven
James is teaching that those who claim to be on the way to heaven must give evidence of their faith by the way they live.
Empty Faith like an empty promise is Useless James 2:14-17 Empty Faith is not true faith James 2:14 Empty faith is like empty promises-- all talk and no action James 2:15-16 Faith not backed up with action is empty James 2:17
Evidence of Faith comes in the form of Actions James 2:18-19 Faith is abstract like love. It can only be proven through action You say you believe that God exists…. Believing facts does not equal faith Conclusion- true faith can only be proven through action
Took action based on faith Examples of Faith James 2:20-26 Abraham & Rahab Both: Claimed to have faith Took action based on faith