Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Mongolia (Supported Strategic Commander) Warning Order to Commander, Coalition Task Force “Khokh Chono” (“Blue Wolf”) 4 August 03
SituationSituation Possibility of violations of cease-fire agreement from warring factionsPossibility of violations of cease-fire agreement from warring factions UNSC 1527 approved MNF for PKO lead by MongoliaUNSC 1527 approved MNF for PKO lead by Mongolia Poor preparation for harsh winter in DC campsPoor preparation for harsh winter in DC camps TCC forces in home stations ready for deploymentTCC forces in home stations ready for deployment Diplomatic efforts to settle the situation is in progressDiplomatic efforts to settle the situation is in progress Lead nation’s troops ready to deployLead nation’s troops ready to deploy Possibility of violations of cease-fire agreement from warring factionsPossibility of violations of cease-fire agreement from warring factions UNSC 1527 approved MNF for PKO lead by MongoliaUNSC 1527 approved MNF for PKO lead by Mongolia Poor preparation for harsh winter in DC campsPoor preparation for harsh winter in DC camps TCC forces in home stations ready for deploymentTCC forces in home stations ready for deployment Diplomatic efforts to settle the situation is in progressDiplomatic efforts to settle the situation is in progress Lead nation’s troops ready to deployLead nation’s troops ready to deploy
Government of Mongolia has granted SOFA provisions to MNF participants (diplomatic notes dated 18 Sep 03) – – permits MNF forces to deploy to and stage in Mongolia – – provisions similar to SOFA with Ayland and Beland Russian Federation granted over flight rights to MNF aircraft (Dip. Notes 23 Sep 03) China granted over flight rights to MNF aircraft (Dip. Notes 26 Sep 03) Fragmentation order (FRAGO)( H Sep 03) to chief of the GSAF warning order ( H Sep 03): – –“Coalition Task force Khokh Chon” to deploy not later than H Nov 03 Government of Mongolia has granted SOFA provisions to MNF participants (diplomatic notes dated 18 Sep 03) – – permits MNF forces to deploy to and stage in Mongolia – – provisions similar to SOFA with Ayland and Beland Russian Federation granted over flight rights to MNF aircraft (Dip. Notes 23 Sep 03) China granted over flight rights to MNF aircraft (Dip. Notes 26 Sep 03) Fragmentation order (FRAGO)( H Sep 03) to chief of the GSAF warning order ( H Sep 03): – –“Coalition Task force Khokh Chon” to deploy not later than H Nov 03 Chief of the GSAF (Supported Strategic Commander) Mission Statement
Commander, CTF “Khokh Chono” will form and commence deployment of a multinational task force, no later than 31 Oct 03, to restore peace and security to Ayland and Beland by conducting peacekeeping operations and supporting the humanitarian assistance efforts of the UN and the Ayland and Beland civil authorities. Commander, CTF “Khokh Chono” will form and commence deployment of a multinational task force, no later than 31 Oct 03, to restore peace and security to Ayland and Beland by conducting peacekeeping operations and supporting the humanitarian assistance efforts of the UN and the Ayland and Beland civil authorities. Chief of the GSAF (Supported Strategic Commander) Mission Statement Chief of the GSAF (Supported Strategic Commander) Mission Statement
“My intent is that the CTF secures the borders, separates the forces and restores stability to Ayland and Beland. This means supporting the restoration of law and order, supporting HA/DR efforts and assisting in the combating terrorism campaign. Regarding the disputed oil reserve areas, I want the CTF to prevent future clashes in the disputed area and help set the stage for a negotiated settlement between Ayland and Beland. You are authorized to use all necessary means to accomplish your mission. Finally, the CTF must effectively transition its tasks back to the Ayland and Beland authorities or the follow-on UN PKF as soon as possible“. Chief of the GSAF (Supported Strategic Commander) Intent
Chief of the GSAF (Supported Strategic Commander) Guidance Deploy forces rapidly into the AO, quickly establishing command, control and communications capabilities to facilitate timely arrival of MNF forces and logistical support.Deploy forces rapidly into the AO, quickly establishing command, control and communications capabilities to facilitate timely arrival of MNF forces and logistical support. Create conditions in Ayland to support restoration of law and order. Be prepared to temporarily assure execution of security functions.Create conditions in Ayland to support restoration of law and order. Be prepared to temporarily assure execution of security functions. Plan to conduct limited CT activities to facilitate HA/DR efforts. Once Ayland authorities fully assume active role, continue to support CT efforts by providing information.Plan to conduct limited CT activities to facilitate HA/DR efforts. Once Ayland authorities fully assume active role, continue to support CT efforts by providing information. Plan for extreme cold weather operations and effect on CTF forces. Also plan for effects this weather will have on Dislocated CiviliansPlan for extreme cold weather operations and effect on CTF forces. Also plan for effects this weather will have on Dislocated Civilians Facilitate HA/DR operations.Facilitate HA/DR operations. Maintain separation of Ayland and Beland armed forces in disputed area.Maintain separation of Ayland and Beland armed forces in disputed area. Conduct Information Operations in support of the MNF PKO and implementation of the UN mandate.Conduct Information Operations in support of the MNF PKO and implementation of the UN mandate. Ensure transition planning is fully integrated in entire planning effort.Ensure transition planning is fully integrated in entire planning effort. Deploy forces rapidly into the AO, quickly establishing command, control and communications capabilities to facilitate timely arrival of MNF forces and logistical support.Deploy forces rapidly into the AO, quickly establishing command, control and communications capabilities to facilitate timely arrival of MNF forces and logistical support. Create conditions in Ayland to support restoration of law and order. Be prepared to temporarily assure execution of security functions.Create conditions in Ayland to support restoration of law and order. Be prepared to temporarily assure execution of security functions. Plan to conduct limited CT activities to facilitate HA/DR efforts. Once Ayland authorities fully assume active role, continue to support CT efforts by providing information.Plan to conduct limited CT activities to facilitate HA/DR efforts. Once Ayland authorities fully assume active role, continue to support CT efforts by providing information. Plan for extreme cold weather operations and effect on CTF forces. Also plan for effects this weather will have on Dislocated CiviliansPlan for extreme cold weather operations and effect on CTF forces. Also plan for effects this weather will have on Dislocated Civilians Facilitate HA/DR operations.Facilitate HA/DR operations. Maintain separation of Ayland and Beland armed forces in disputed area.Maintain separation of Ayland and Beland armed forces in disputed area. Conduct Information Operations in support of the MNF PKO and implementation of the UN mandate.Conduct Information Operations in support of the MNF PKO and implementation of the UN mandate. Ensure transition planning is fully integrated in entire planning effort.Ensure transition planning is fully integrated in entire planning effort.
Secure the borders, separate the forces and maintain buffer zone. Provide secure environment in the disputed area (includes detaining, transporting and turning over of lawbreakers to proper authorities Support reestablishment of law and order Support HA/DR efforts Help develop and assist with the CT efforts Develop and implement Information Operations campaign in support of CTF under the UN mandate Execute mission handoff to appropriate authorities Secure the borders, separate the forces and maintain buffer zone. Provide secure environment in the disputed area (includes detaining, transporting and turning over of lawbreakers to proper authorities Support reestablishment of law and order Support HA/DR efforts Help develop and assist with the CT efforts Develop and implement Information Operations campaign in support of CTF under the UN mandate Execute mission handoff to appropriate authorities Chief of the GSAF (Supported Strategic Commander) Essential Tasks
Chief of the GSAF (Supported Strategic Commander) CTF PKO End State Chief of the GSAF (Supported Strategic Commander) CTF PKO End State CTF-facilitated PK-HA missions successfully transitioned to appropriate authorities (Governments of Ayland and Beland, UN/NGO organizations and UN PKF as appropriate)CTF-facilitated PK-HA missions successfully transitioned to appropriate authorities (Governments of Ayland and Beland, UN/NGO organizations and UN PKF as appropriate) –Secure and stable environment restored –Immediate disaster related health issues alleviated –Restoration of infrastructure critical to HA efforts substantially completed Border regime and buffer zone operational and both parties respecting buffer zone; CTF buffer zone duties transitioned to UN PKF; Effective CT measures in place and assumed by appropriate authoritiesBorder regime and buffer zone operational and both parties respecting buffer zone; CTF buffer zone duties transitioned to UN PKF; Effective CT measures in place and assumed by appropriate authorities CTF-facilitated PK-HA missions successfully transitioned to appropriate authorities (Governments of Ayland and Beland, UN/NGO organizations and UN PKF as appropriate)CTF-facilitated PK-HA missions successfully transitioned to appropriate authorities (Governments of Ayland and Beland, UN/NGO organizations and UN PKF as appropriate) –Secure and stable environment restored –Immediate disaster related health issues alleviated –Restoration of infrastructure critical to HA efforts substantially completed Border regime and buffer zone operational and both parties respecting buffer zone; CTF buffer zone duties transitioned to UN PKF; Effective CT measures in place and assumed by appropriate authoritiesBorder regime and buffer zone operational and both parties respecting buffer zone; CTF buffer zone duties transitioned to UN PKF; Effective CT measures in place and assumed by appropriate authorities
Coordination instruction MPAT planners arrived in place and planning for each phase is in progressMPAT planners arrived in place and planning for each phase is in progress Deploy forces in accordance with UNSC resolution periodDeploy forces in accordance with UNSC resolution period Review ROEReview ROE MPAT planners arrived in place and planning for each phase is in progressMPAT planners arrived in place and planning for each phase is in progress Deploy forces in accordance with UNSC resolution periodDeploy forces in accordance with UNSC resolution period Review ROEReview ROE
Intel guidance Work closely with local administration, people and IOs, NGOs and other HA DR organizationsWork closely with local administration, people and IOs, NGOs and other HA DR organizations
CMO issues Focus DC camps conditionsFocus DC camps conditions Work closely with medical related local, IOs, NGO and HA/DR organizationsWork closely with medical related local, IOs, NGO and HA/DR organizations Coordinate Civ-Mil ActivitiesCoordinate Civ-Mil Activities Focus DC camps conditionsFocus DC camps conditions Work closely with medical related local, IOs, NGO and HA/DR organizationsWork closely with medical related local, IOs, NGO and HA/DR organizations Coordinate Civ-Mil ActivitiesCoordinate Civ-Mil Activities
Logistic issues Prepare logistic support for MNFPrepare logistic support for MNF Facilitate framework with advanced MNF teamsFacilitate framework with advanced MNF teams Prepare logistic support for MNFPrepare logistic support for MNF Facilitate framework with advanced MNF teamsFacilitate framework with advanced MNF teams
TCC CONTRIBUTIONS (summary) MongoliaGnd Forces HQ1 MR Regiment7 Special Bns2 Engr Regiment1 Comm Rgmt1 Chemical Rgmt1 Logistics Rgmt1 Gnd Trans Rgmt1 Field Hospital5 Helo Sqdn1
TCC CONTRIBUTIONS (summary) AustraliaInf Bn1 Canada Logistics Unit1 Engr Sqn1 Med Tm1 ROWPU1 LSH1 C-1302 LPA1 FijiEngr Co1 BangladeshMP Co1 Med Tm1 FranceSurgical Tm1 ROWPU C-1303 BruneiProvost Co1
TCC CONTRIBUTIONS (summary) IndonesiaInf Bn1 MauritiusEng Plt1 NepalInf Co1 IndiaIL 76MD2 New ZealandMP Co1 JapanEngr Tm1 Surg Tm1 PhilippinesInf Co1 ROWPU1 C-1302 RussiaInf Co1 KoreaEngr Co1 SingaporeInf Bn1 Med Tm1 MalaysiaInf Co1 C Helo4 LST1 LSL1
TCC CONTRIBUTIONS (summary) Sri LankaEngr Co1 USCOMPHIBRON1 LHD1 TaiwanMed Tm1 LPD1 LSD2 ThailandInf Bn1 LST1 SF Det1 USMC MEU1 Spt Gp1 Bn Landing Tm1 Helo Sqd1 TongaInf Co1 Spt Gp1 C-1304 UKC-1302 C-1351 C-172 C52 Helo4 C-172 Air Evac Plt1 VietnamInf Co1 CA Bde (HHC)1 PSYOP TF1 SF TF1 MSQ 1261
SCENARIO Supporting Materials Background information-Republic of AylandBackground information-Republic of Ayland UNSG AssessmentUNSG Assessment Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces, Mongolia Warning Order to CCTFChief of General Staff of the Armed Forces, Mongolia Warning Order to CCTF Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal for 2003Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal for 2003 SOFASOFA Proposed ROEProposed ROE Major UN/NGO Organizations Operating in AylandMajor UN/NGO Organizations Operating in Ayland Situation Report (30 Sep 03)Situation Report (30 Sep 03) Data Base Information (30 Sep 03)Data Base Information (30 Sep 03) –TCC force data –TCC HA/DR resources –UN/NGO relief agencies –DC Camps –Infrastructure damage Background information-Republic of AylandBackground information-Republic of Ayland UNSG AssessmentUNSG Assessment Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces, Mongolia Warning Order to CCTFChief of General Staff of the Armed Forces, Mongolia Warning Order to CCTF Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal for 2003Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal for 2003 SOFASOFA Proposed ROEProposed ROE Major UN/NGO Organizations Operating in AylandMajor UN/NGO Organizations Operating in Ayland Situation Report (30 Sep 03)Situation Report (30 Sep 03) Data Base Information (30 Sep 03)Data Base Information (30 Sep 03) –TCC force data –TCC HA/DR resources –UN/NGO relief agencies –DC Camps –Infrastructure damage