Supervisor: Falah Mahmmoud
Brief History about WPT. * The first existence was in 1990 by Nickola Tesla. *Wireless power transmission with microwaves by Brown in *Developing Rectenna which make it to succeed in MPT in1964. *In 1980’s Japanese began their researches in this subject. *In 1987 Canadian group succeeded fuel- free airplane flight experiment with MPT called SHARP. *after 1995 Japanese and European developed many technologies
Why Wireless Power Transmission?? It is much better than disposal batteries. Simply, wires are noisy! Convenience Reduces clutter in workspaces, homes, etc. Variety of Applications
What about safety?? Non-radiative power transfer uses magnetic near field. Magnetic fields are safe for people and animals. Highly resonant coupling minimizes energy transfer to “off – resonant” objects. WiTricity systems are designed to meet int’l safety guidelines.
How Wi tricity technology work?? AC power is supplied at the system operating frequency The inductor and capacitor are chosen so that they resonate at the operating frequency, creating a much larger magnetic field By placing a resonant receiver within the magnetic field, a resonant circuit is created This resonant circuit allows the system to pass voltage and current to the receiver over significant separation distance
Requirements of our project. Transmit power wirelessly at least 20 inches Produce 5-V / 10W output to receivers Transmission frequency should be greater than 2MHz System must utilize Magnetic Induction Primary side must plug into a wall outlet Must charge a device (Sub-project) Must have testing device
Design Components Transmission Side Power Source Power Processing Wireless Channel SendingReceiving Receiving Side Power Processing Output Power
Full System Schematic Source Side 8
Transmission Side DC- Source v DC- Source v Collpit Oscillator Power Amplifier Primary Coil
Collpitts Oscillator *Directly connected to power source *Creates output AC signal at designed frequency..* Extremely robust *Directly connected to amplifier. Collpitts Components ComponentsValueQuantity Variable Inductor μH1 Capacitors100pF2 Resistors50/ 2.2k/ 10k4 or_coil.png
Power Amplifier. *Collpitts Oscillator provides small signal input *Can provide at least 30W output for 5-10MHz frequency *Directly Connected to single winding primary coil
Oscillator circuit and class D power amplifier: The output is pure sinusoidal signal:
Another choice: High output power signal circuit: -In the circuit shown here you can create high frequency electromagnetic waves with very high output power. -The frequency Range from 200kHz to 10MHz was generated using this coil.
This was the output of the previous circuit:
Wireless Channel Our attempts in building the coils : Transmission Coil Receiving Coil
These were the certified coils:
Receiving Side: Secondary Coil Full-Wave Rectifier Voltage Regulator Charger (Optional)
Full wave Rectifier: -Will be directly connected to single winding secondary coil. -Rectifier must handle MHz frequency and up to 15W
Voltage Regulator: -Will connect directly to rectifier. -Will provide 10W 5V dc output for charging device. Input Voltage: 3V to 30V Output Voltage: 1.25 to 13V Output Power: 10W Output Amp: 1.5A (Not over 10W) 1.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=base&utm_campaign=jos
THANK YOU.. Please feel free for any questions...