By Bailey Fasano & Hailey Jagger Grassland By Bailey Fasano & Hailey Jagger
The Grassland is… Grasslands are areas dominated by grasses and forbs, and have few or no trees. Categorized as savannas, pampas, campos, plains, steppes, prairies and veldts. Two main types: Temperate Grasslands Tropical Grasslands
Location of Biome Located on every continent Except Antarctica Occupies ¼ of Earth’s surface Some Places Include U.S. Midwest- prairies South America- pampas Central Eurasian- steppes Africa- savannas
The prairies of the Midwestern United States
Climate January- 20˚F July- 70˚F West of the Mississippi River temperatures are moist and humid Summers: warm and humid Winters: cold but not to the extreme Further West temperatures are drier Summers: hot Winters: very cold
Average Yearly Precipitation Annual Rainfall is 10-30 inches Monthly Rainfall is 0.8-2.5 inches
Vegetation Big Bluestem Grass Milkweed Grass is also called Turkey feet because the shape of the seed heads look like turkey feet. They can grow to be 3 to 10 feet It blooms from June through September. Produces red and yellow blossoms in the spring that are less than an inch across. They grow in a cluster at the top of woody stems. The milkweed has a white, poisonous sap and can grow to be 2 to 3 1/2 feet. It has big leaves that can grow to be 9 inches -1 foot long.
Vegetation Cont’d Buffalo Grass Purple Coneflower It grows between 2 and 5 inches tall and spreads out between six feet and 12 feet (3-4 m). It has a round hollow stem with gray, green curly leaves. The leaves are 1/10 " wide and 2" long. It can grow to be 2-3 feet tall. The center can grow to the size of a child's fist, and the petals are about as long as the diameter of the center. It is part of the daisy and dandelion family.
Animals American Bald Eagle Prairie Dog National bird of the United States of America. It is considered a sea eagle that has a white head. Weighs eight to twelve pounds. Their wingspan can be two meters (seven feet) and they can be larger than a meter from head to tail. The adults usually weigh around 1 to 3 1/2 pounds Two types of prairie dogs: black-tailed and white-tailed. Most common is the black-tailed prairie dog.
Animals Cont’d Swift Fox Bumble Bee A small, delicate fox, the smallest wild canid of the North American continent. It is about the size of a cat, standing 12 inches (30 cm) in height, and 31 inches (79 cm) in length from head to tail. The male, or dog fox, is larger than the female, known as a vixen. Queen bumble bees are about 3/5 to 1 inch long. The other types, workers and drones, are slightly smaller than that.
Uniqueness Grasslands are a transition space between deserts and forest. If the grasslands received any more rain: forest If the grasslands had less rain: deserts
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