Lets practice our “hunks and chunks”!
S-H shh shh shh
C-H ch ch ch
This is a thorn and that is a thistle T-h th th th
O-W ow going down down down
O-U ou O-U-T O-U-T Get out of here you bumble bee OU
O-O oooooo
O-O oooooo
I-N-G ing ing ing A king wears a ring!
A-L-L all all all all all all
A-R ar ar ar Stick your head in a jar of stars.
O-R or or or
O said to A, Oh I love you and A said absolutely nothing O said to A, Oh I love you and A said absolutely nothing. So when you see o-a what do you say? O
I-G-H I-G-H, igh, igh, igh Don’t forget the light!
When scaredy cat e saw scaredy cat a, they ran into each other and said eeeeeeeeee
When you see the double e you say e e We’re having a party!
A-Y ay ay ay Do you want to play? Swish Hooray!!
A said to I “Hey get out of my way. I’m saying A today.” So when you see a-i what do you say? A
E-I-G-H eigh eigh
We’re taking a ride on a mototcylce. It’s I-R ir
And U-R ur in the middle of a word
But it’s E-R er at the end of the word.
O-Y oy oy oy At the end of a word oy oy oy
O-I oi oi oi in the middle of a word
T-I-O-N tion tion tion
S-I-O-N sion sion sion
When you see PH you don’t say P you F.
When you see KN you don’t say K you N N Knocking
Shhhh don’t wake the w! rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
When you see ed at the end of a root word you say, d or t
W-H W-H wh wh wh It’s a question word, It’s a question word: Who What When Where Why and Which
A-W aw aw aw
A-U au au automobile
A-U-G-H augh augh
O-U-G-H ough ough Look what I bought!
E-W Ewwwwwww They’re so in looooove!
U and I Put them together and say oooooooooooo
I-O-N I-O-N ion ion ion I-O-N I-O-N
Sometimes you say ow, but sometimes you say O, when you see O-W at the end of a word!
A-C-E ace ace ace
I-C-E ice ice ice