© 2014 Reed Business Information Ltd Innovation framework case study Innovation and integrated marketing: falling in love with the customer problem David Abbott
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SUPPLY SUPPLY CHAIN FARMERDEMAND Participants DATA SERVICES Livestock Dairy Merchants Markets Services Energy Insurance Processors Distributors Educate customers Understand customer needs (+R&D) Understand customer usage COMPLIANCE PRODUCTIVITY TRADING Acquire and retain customers Manage regulation Benchmark Achieve best prices Traceability Key needs Regulatory STP & Subsidy Mgmt Input STP Benchmarking Product Advice Manage supply chain transactions Traceability / Supply Chain Standards Sales STP & Quality Feedback Weather Supply and Demand Farm Management Tools Interconnectivity Retailers Traders Poultry Mixed Agronomist Vet Accountant Supply chain security Prove supply chain standards Machinery Seeds/Feed Agrichems Arable Horticulture
Supply Chain insight Grower insight Data Store Data Export VARIETIES YIELDS SOIL TYPE EQUIPMENT STOCK TREATMENTS
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60 Companies Tier 2 Tier 3 1,000 + Companies Tier 1 23 Companies Distributors Advisors Crop Protection Seed Manufacturers Fertiliser Apparent Market Target ‘volume’ market evaluation via customer insight research Resellers Large Distributors Original Objective – Appraise Agriculture Supply Chain to Evaluate BI Opportunity and Recommend Product Strategy
© 2014 Reed Business Information Ltd Competitors collecting data via market research methods. Providing insight to customers typically three times per year, in tools that suit data specialists
13 Existing Budget Solution Envisaged Problem Prioritised Problem Awareness Value Attribution / Propensity / Demand / Urgency Agchem companies identified as highest urgency and value attribution They all buy from competitors but are open to potential of switching solution
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Identify Practice Trends “Tell me what’s changing in cultivation practices – are sprayer booms getting wider, drilling getting earlier? That knowledge gives me an advantage. Real time view of the market “A daily view of spraying season gives me early warning of sales/marketing issues I need to jump on. Quarterly panel data is far too late. View on adviser-led demand “Give me a view of where agronomists are recommending my products or not – by region and distributor. It tells me where I need to work harder. Market intelligence – real time/tactical and trend/strategic Product performance insight & evidence Inventories and volume forecasting “A real-time view of agronomy recommendations and on-farm inventories will help to improve forecasts, avoid stock- outs Product Performance “Find me the specific conditions in which my product outperforms its competitors. Help me find ROI claims I can make. Market Share “Existing panels data covers cereals only. There is zero intelligence available on everything else. I need to know where my competitors are playing. Buying Personas “With a rich and detailed view of our farmers customers we could target marketing much more effectively. Product Usage Combinations “Knowing what other products are used with ours I could form marketing partnerships, tune my message, use demand for theirs to forecast my own. Insight to Tertiary Supply Chain “The buyers of grain (bread & biscuit manufacturers etc) influence farmer’s choice of variety. I need to know this early to be able to react. Targeted communications channel Marketing Channel to Agronomists “We struggle to reach independent agronomists. A highly targeted message would help me to build demand. Visibility of Distributor Pricing “Tell me how much farmers pay distributors for my products. With this knowledge I can negotiate with my distributors. Early warning on regulatory threats “Give me a view on compliance deviations with my products by agronomists and farmers, to help me identify regulatory threats, address comms Pest & Disease Forecasting “By combining live on-farm data of pests incidents with wind/weather data you could help us forecast demand for our pesticides Model Scenarios “With a large source of producer data we could model scenarios such as impact of weather, output prices or subsidy reform Alternative to HGCA recommended list “The government recommended list for seed varieties is too crude. An alternate from a broad data source lets us target niches. Input & Output Variable Gaps “Understanding yields in the context of all combinations of soil, weather etc would help me to identify gaps in the market we can look to fill Precision Data for Contractors Needs specific to the Ag Machinery sector “Our machinery collects data but there’s little incentive for the farmer to get it back to us. If you can hook this up we can gain valuable usage insight “If the farmer gives permission to connect his machinery data to his dealer, they can give him improved service and sell the replacement “The #1 issue for us is the standard of our dealers. Ownership data in Gatekeeper can give us insight into won, retained and lost business by dealer “Contract services firms (for harvesting etc) are very intensive users. A solution combined with Gatekeeper could be a market-winning proposition “Credit checks for machinery sales are slow and there’s a risk of loss. Farmer willingness to share data from Gatekeeper could speed that up “Precision farming is a competitive battleground. If you plumbed our solution into Gatekeeper it would reduce barriers to uptake for the farmer. Connect Farmer to Manufacturer Increase Precision Farming Uptake Benchmark Dealers Connect Farmer to Dealer Farmer Data for Credit Checks
THE EVIDENCE Identifying input correlations against yield to prove which combinations are achieving the best results WHY…. farmers are following their strategies, including regional trends in recommendations and actual usage HOW…. farming strategies are effecting product usage including, sequencing, tank mixes and volumes WHAT…. products are being used now, across regions and crops, and the resulting YoY market share variances Cause Effect
The most powerful business intelligence tool available for arable farming. It provides intuitive real time, in-season analytics from the deepest, broadest and most reliable dataset available. This season, not last season Even the niche crops Facts not opinions Data from 40% of UK farm land We will enable customers to identify threats and opportunities as they occur and adopt tactics and strategies to increase sales, market share and forecasting accuracy. Niche crops included
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Provide high quality data Provide insight through correlation analysis Forecast and predict Propose / Prescribe action Near term Future opportunity Evolving our data propositions
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Innovation framework case study Innovation and integrated marketing: falling in love with the customer problem Thank you Contact - k