Saskatchewan Species at Risk
Passenger Pigeon
Greater Prairie Chicken
Black-footed Ferret
Gypsy Cuckoo Bumble Bee
Burrowing Owl
Little Brown Bat
Greater Short-Horned Lizard
Lake Sturgeon
Eastern Yellow-bellied Racer
Swift Fox
Loggerhead Shrike
Western Spiderwort
Short-eared Owl
American Badger
Northern Leopard Frog
Hairy Prairie-Clover
How are we Losing Species? Habitat loss Pollution Over-harvesting Introduction of non-native species
Peregrine Falcon
Black-billed Magpie
Why protect species? Medicine Food Materials Ecosystem Health Recreation
What Can You Do to Help Wildlife? Experience Nature Volunteer with a conservation group Start a habitat project at home or at school
Bee Houses