WELCOME 11 th Meeting of the National Food Security Mission Executive Committee (NFSM-EC) 18 January, 2013 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE RAJASTHAN, JAIPUR
Agenda No. 1- Crop-wise comparative Productivity to (Area lac ha., Prod. lac tones & Productivity kg/ha) Crop APYAPYAPYAPY Kharif Pulses Moong Moth Cowpea Urd Arhar Others Total Rabi Pulses Gram Other Total Wheat
Crop-wise comparative Productivity to (Area lac ha., Prod. lac tones & Productivity kg/ha) Crop APYAPYAPY Kharif Pulses Moong Moth Cowpea Urd Arhar Others Total Rabi Pulses Gram Other Total Wheat
Area, Production & Productivity of Wheat and Pulses during to (Area lac ha., Prod. lac tones & Yield kg/ha) Kharif PulsesRabi PulsesWheat YEARAPYAPYAPY *7.79*404*15.10**13.47**890**28.20**98.31**3486** *II Advance Estimate **I Advance Estimate Note- Less area coverage during due to late onset of monsoon.
Agenda No.2- Crop-wise Estimated Production of Kharif, (Own Assessment II Advance Estimate) (A rea lac ha., Prod. lac tones & Productivity kg/ha) Crop TargetEstimate (II Advance) AreaProd.YieldAreaProd.Yield Moong Moth Urd Cowpea Arhar O. Pulses Total Pulses Rice Sorghum Bajra Maize S.Millets Total Cereals Guar
Crop-wise Estimated Production of Rabi, (Own Assessment I Advance Estimate) (Area lac ha., Prod. lac tones & Productivity kg/ha) Crop TargetEstimate (I Advance) AreaProd.YieldAreaProd.Yield Wheat Barley Total Cereals Gram Other rabi Pulses Total Pulses Rape seed & Mustard Taramira Linseed Total
Agenda No. 3- Financial Statement of NFSM, (Rs. in lacs) Comp Approv. Plan O. B. as on Funds Received Total Avail. Funds Exp. (upto Dec,12) Likely Exp. Upto 31/3/13 Funds Required Wheat Pulses Media & Publi A3P (Booked) Total
Agenda No. 4- Physical and Financial Progress of NFSM-Wheat for (Fin. Rs. In lac) S. No. Approved InterventionsUnit Target Approved by GOI Achievement up to Dec,2012 Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 1Cluster DemonstrationsHa Distribution of Certified Seeds Qtls Need Based Plant/Soil Management (a) MicronutrientsHa (b) GypsumHa (C) PP Chemicals & bio- agents Ha
Physical and Financial Progress of NFSM-Wheat for (Fin. Rs. In lac) S. No. Approved InterventionsUnit Target Approved by GOI Achievement up to Dec,2012 Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 4 Machineries/Energy Management (a) Knap Sack SprayersNos (b) Seed Drills/ SCFDNos (c) RotavatorsNos Cropping System based trainings Nos
Physical and Financial Progress of NFSM-Wheat for (Fin. Rs. In lac) S. No. Approved InterventionsUnit Target Approved by GOI Achievement up to Dec,2012 Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 6Miscellaneous Expenses (a) PMT & Other Misc. Exp. at District No. of District (b) PMT & Oher Misc. Exp. at State No. of State Local Initiatives (Construction of Water Storage Tank (size 40' X 30' X 6') Nos TOTAL FINANCIAL (1 to 7)
Physical and Financial Progress of NFSM-Pulses for (Fin. Rs. In lac) S. No. Approved InterventionsUnit Target Approved by GOI Achievement up to Dec,2012 Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 1 Distribution of Certified Seeds. (a) Varieties less than 10 yearsQtl (b) Varieties more than 10 years old Qtl Demonstrations Cluster DemonstrationsHa INM (b) Micro-nutrients.Ha (b) GypsumHa (c ) Rizobium Culture/PSBHa
Physical and Financial Progress of NFSM-Pulses for (Fin. Rs. In lac) S. No. Approved InterventionsUnit Target Approved by GOI Achievement up to Dec,2012 Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 4 IPM (a) IPM PackageHa (b) Distribution of NPVHa (c) Distribution of PP ChemicalsHa (d) WeedicideHa Resource Conservation Tech. (a) Knap Sack Sprayers.Nos (b) Zero Till Seed Drills.Nos (c) Multi-crop Planters.Nos (d) Seed Drills/Seed cum Fertilizer Drill Nos (e) Zero Till Multi Crop PlantersNos (f) Ridge Furrow PlantersNos (g) Rotavators.Nos (h) Laser Land levelersNos
Physical and Financial Progress of NFSM-Pulses for (Fin. Rs. In lac) S. No. Approved InterventionsUnit Target Approved by GOI Achievement up to Dec,2012 Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 6Efficient Water Application Tools: (a ) Incentive for Pump SetsNos (b) Pipe for carrying waterNos Cropping System based trainingsNos Miscellaneous Expenses (a) PMT& other Misc. Expenses at District level No. of District (b) PMT& other Misc. Expenses at State level No. of State (c ) Misc. Expenses to State for other Districts (Districts of ISOPOM) No. of District Local Initiatives (Construction of Farm Pond of size 20 M x 20 M X3 M for rain water harvesting) Nos Total Financial (1 to 9)
Agenda No. 5- Major focus on Inputs under NFSM Application of Gypsum Demonstrations on Improved technologies. Resource Conservation Technologies/ Farm Machinery. -Knapsack Sprayer, Seed drill/ Seed cum Fertilizer drill and Rotavator. Efficient Water Application Tools- Irrigation Pipeline
Agenda No. 6- Physical and Financial Progress of Accelerated Pulses Production Programme (A3P) Crop Approved Target Achievement (upto Dec.12) Physical (Units and Area) Financial (Rs. in lacs) Physical (Units and Area) Financial (Rs. in lacs) KharifMoong 200 units (20000 ha) units (20000 ha) Moth* 50 units (5000 ha) units (5000 ha) Total 250 units (25000 ha) units (25000 ha) Rabi Gram 250 units (25000 ha) units (26850 ha Grand Total 500 units (50000 ha) units (51860 ha)
Agenda No. 7- Status of Pest Surveillance in A3P during & Training of Master Trainers has been organized in the state with the help of NCIPM experts. Formation of Disaster Management Groups has been completed in 12 A3P districts. Login ID & Password of e-Pest Surveillance allotted to the districts and KVKs. Training of level 2 and 3 has been organized by the Master Trainers for chickpea crop. Advisory Report received from NCIPM was communicated to farmers Training of Master Trainers is to be organized in the last week of January, Formation of Disaster Management Groups has been completed in 10 A3P districts Organization of level 2 and 3 Training is under process.
Agenda No Million Tones Pulses production Special Plan, (Fin. Rs. in lacs) S. N o Intervention Unit Target Funds Received Achievement (upto Dec.12) Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 1 Intercropping of Pulses with Cotton/cereals/Oilseeds Ha Critical inputs-Sulphur, plant growth regulator and nutrient mixture Ha Total Cost Under NFSM Micro Irrigation Scheme- Sprinkler Set Ha * Grand Total *To be met out from NMMI Scheme funds. Note-Less interest of farmers for critical inputs because kharif pulses are grown under rainfed conditions.
Agenda No. 9- Physical and Financial Progress under Action Plan of Additional Area coverage of Pulses, Intervention Additional Target Funds Received (Rs in lacs) Achievement (upto Dec.12) Physical (ha) Financial (Rs in lacs) Physical (ha) Financial (Rs in lacs) INM-Gypsum Application
Agenda No. 10- Planning of Summer Rice and Pulse Crops Nil Information.
Agenda No. 11- Status of online submission of Progress Report 1.State Level Progress Report of NFSM- Wheat and Pulses up to December, 2012 is online. 2.District Level Progress Report of NFSM-Wheat up to from districts is online and for is under process. 3.District Level Progress Report of NFSM-Pulses from districts is under process.
Agenda No. 12- Status of Project Management Team S. No. PositionProvisionStatus 1.State Consultant22 2.District Consultant247 3.Senior Technical Assistant20 4.Technical Assistant7831 Total10640
Agenda No. 13- Concurrent Evaluation of NFSM Concurrent Evaluation was conducted by NABARD Consultancy Services during the year and Report was submitted and sent to GOI.
Agenda No. 14- Specific Issues Pending liabilities of subsidies on Foundation and Certified Pulses seeds production during may be permitted from the saving of NFSM Pulses, Additional demand of Irrigation pipeline and Farm machinery received from field. Hence, utilization of saving (Certified seed distribution, micronutrient, Biofertilizers, IPM and P.P. Chemicals) may be permitted for Irrigation pipeline and Farm machinery. Increase the allocation to SFCI & NSC to fulfill State requirement of certified seed distribution under NFSM- Pulses. Subsidy on Foundation and Certified seed Production of Pulses may be restarted.
Action Points of 10 th Meeting of NFSMEC Indent for new varieties of Wheat- State submitted indent as per details- Reasons for non submission of Indent for following wheat varieties- HI 1531 is suitable for rainfed & restricted irrigation condition, having less yield (23.26 qnt/ha) compared to HI 8498 (44.30 qnt/ha). HI 1544 and HD 3043 varieties are suitable only for Southern part and less popular. Quantity in Qntls. Varieties Year IndentAllotmentIndent HD HI