Slide: 1 27 th CEOS Plenary |Montréal | November 2013 Item 20 Francis Lindsay, NASA CEOS PLENARY Disasters SBA Report
27 th CEOS Plenary Montréal, Canada 5-6 November, Objective of the presentation This presentation is intended to provide the Plenary with the current status and updated progress on the disaster activities supported within CEOS. Currently CEOS is engaged in ten disaster actions/activities: C1_1: Satellite data Needs and Gaps: PoC Guy Seguin, NASA C1_2: Architecture: PoC Karen Moe, NASA C1_3: Global Observation Strategy for DRM: PoC,Ivan Petiteville, ESA C1_4: Hyogo Framework stakeholder: PoC Chu Ishida, JAXA C1_5: Use of Satellite data for coastal zones: PoC Guy Seguin, NASA C2_1: Global web-based volcanic ash service: PoC Claus Zehner, ESA C2_2: Supersite proposal evaluation: PoC Jörn Hoffmann, DLR C2_4: Supersite data provision coordination:PoC Jörn Hoffmann, DLR C3_1: Caribbean Satellite Disaster Pilot:PoC Stuart Frye, NASA C3_2: Southern African Flood and Health Pilot:PoC Stuart Frye, NASA C1_3 & C1_4 on DRM was presented under item 19 C2_2 & C2_4 on Supersite was presented under item 18
27 th CEOS Plenary Montréal, Canada 5-6 November, Disasters SBA Report Accomplisments 1.Report on the progress of the Disaster Task was presented at the GEO Symposium (June 2013) 2.A Gap analysis was completed for flood observations 3.A high-level model/architecture was developed for Disaster management 4.A Global Observation Strategy was developed under the DRM actions (item 20) 5.Utilization of Satellite data for Coastal Zone was analysed (moved to the Blue Planet GEO Task) 6.Supersites proposals were received and evaluated by the Supersites Coordination Team (item 22) 7.The 2013 season of the Caribbean Satellite Disaster Pilot was completed 8.Flood event in Namibia was used for a Cal/Val exercise 9.GEO WP review was completed for the Disaster Task
27 th CEOS Plenary Montréal, Canada 5-6 November, Disasters SBA Report Current/ Future challenges Actions plan 4 actions will be closed; C1_1 on needs and gaps analysis C1_2 on architecture C1_5 on coastal zone as the topics is moved under Blue Planet C2_2 on Supersites as all activities will fall under one action C2_4 5 actions will be remapped in the 2014 Workplan; DRM C1_3, C1_4 Volcanic Ash monitoring C2_1 Flood Pilots C3_1, C3_2 A new action to determine when to respond to a new requests for data for disaster and to continue the mission gaps analysis for different type of disasters may be formulated.
27 th CEOS Plenary Montréal, Canada 5-6 November, Disasters SBA Report Current/ Future challenges Challenges: Leadership of the new WG Organization of the activities under the new WG Role of CEOS in the GEO Disaster Task