Ms. Suha jawabreh Lecture # 17 Oral Communication Ms. Suha jawabreh Lecture # 17
Review: Public Speaking Skills 1. Stage presence : Good public speakers appear confident, friendly, enthusiastic and energetic. 2.Voice Control: Control the tone ( quality), pitch ( high or low) and the volume of your voice. 3. Body Language: you should practice standing with upright posture. 4. Delivery: Speak slowly, pause between ideas and Avoid filler sounds. 5. Audience relations: Good public speakers engage their audience.
Review: Speech evaluation form Students’ speeches will be evaluated based on : 1. Introduction 2. Body 3. Conclusion 4. Language 5. Delivery
How to write a good speech 1. Select a useful topic -Select a topic that is appropriate to the audience and the occasion. :- A good public speaker selects a topic that 1. engages the audience. 2. Presents the audience with new information that they did not know before the speech. - A beginning speaker selects a topic that : 1. Lacks originality or is out of date. 2. Does not provide new information to the audience. 3. Cannot be deduced ( concluded) by the audience.
2. Write an engaging introduction A good public speaker writes an introduction that: 1. Contains an excellent attention-getter. 2. Establishes the speaker’s credibility . 3. States the speaker’s thesis clearly . 4. Previews the speaker’s points in a memorable way. An ineffective speaker : 1. has no opening technique . 2. has no credibility statement. 3. provides no background on the topic. 4. has no thesis statement. 5. Has no preview of her points.
3. A good speech has a clear organization A good speaker : 1 3. A good speech has a clear organization A good speaker : 1. is Very well organized. 2. delivers his/her speech with clear main points. 3. directly relates his/her points to the thesis. 4. employs effective transitions and signposts to help speech flow well.
In the ineffective speaker’s speech : 1 In the ineffective speaker’s speech : 1. There is no clear organizational pattern 2. There are no transitions 3. It sounds as if the information is randomly presented.
4. A good speech has well-supported ideas -In the good speaker’s speech : 1. Key points are well-supported with a variety of credible materials. 2. All of the sources are clearly cited. - An ineffective speaker gives a speech with no supporting materials or no source citations.
5. A good speaker provides a closure in conclusion A good public speaker: 1. provides a clear and memorable summary of his /her points. 2. Refers back to the thesis or big picture. 2. Ends the speech with a strong clincher ( fact, argument) or call for action. - An ineffective speaker has no conclusion. His/her speech ends abruptly and without closure.
6. A good speech has clear and vivid language A good public speaker’s language is : 1. Clear 2. Imaginative 3. Vivid 4. Free from bias, grammatical errors, and inappropriate usage. - An ineffective speaker mispronounces words, extensively uses slang, sexist and racist terms.
7. Suitable vocal expressions A good public speaker : 1 7.Suitable vocal expressions A good public speaker : 1. has vocal variation and intensity. 2. Has natural and enthusiastic vocal expressions. 3.Avoids filler sounds ( um, uh and like). -An ineffective speaker has a monotone voice and distracts listeners with fillers.
8. Corresponding nonverbals -A good public speaker has : 1. Posture 2 8. Corresponding nonverbals -A good public speaker has : 1. Posture 2. Gesture 3. Facial expressions and eye contact. -An ineffective speaker: 1. usually looks down and avoids eye contact. 2. has nervous gestures.
“ Body language is a very powerful tool We had body language before we had speech, and apparently , 80% of what you understand in a conversation is "read through the body, not the words
9. A good speech is adapted to the audience 9. A good speech is adapted to the audience . -A good public speaker adapts his/her presentation to the audience. He/she shows how the information is important to the audience members. - An ineffective speaker’s speech is contrary to the audience’s beliefs, values and attitudes and there is no attempt to establish common ground.
10. Visual Aids - A good public speaker uses visual aids with high professional quality. - An ineffective speaker uses visual aids that are not relevant and they may be of poor professional quality.
Examples of good and bad speeches 1. A bad public bad speaking example 2. A good public speaking example