Contributions from Permanent Observer Countries to the OAS 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Contributions from Permanent Observer Countries to the OAS 2012

Mandate AG/RES. 1 (XLII-E/12) Paragraph A. 3 “To instruct the Secretary General, as part of his fundraising efforts, to promote and encourage, through the Secretariat for External Relations, in coordination with member states, support for the implementation of the mandates of the General Assembly, and to submit a report to the CAAP on an annual basis on the results of these efforts.”

Mandates Executive Order rev. 5 The Department of International Affairs, as part of the Secretariat for External Relations: “Coordinates relations with the Permanent Observers so as to provide them with information on the role of the Organization and the priorities of the hemispheric agenda, and to secure substantive and financial support for OAS activities. “ “Recommends means of strengthening the General Secretariat’s ties with the Permanent Observer missions and with specialized organizations and institutions, both regional and international.”

Permanent Observer Status to the OAS April 1971, establishment the status of Permanent Observer in AG/RES. 50 (I/71). In January 1972, the procedures for granting Permanent Observer status were determined by Resolution CP/RES. 52 (61/72), later revised in June 1984 in CP/RES. 407 (573/84).

Background Permanent Observer status has been granted to 67 countries and the European Union; 35 Permanent Observers have supported OAS initiatives through training opportunities, expert services, equipment, and financial contributions since From 1999 to 2012, Permanent Observers have contributed more than US$210 million. The OAS has received US$199 million in cash for the Organization’s activities and programs and an equivalent of US$12.54 million dollars in estimated value for in-kind contributions. Permanent Observers maintain an ongoing dialogue with the General Secretariat regarding themes of common interest.

2012 Cooperation In 2012, the Organization received cash and in- kind contributions from Permanent Observers totaling US$14.6 million. Contributors: China, European Union, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Monaco, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and United Kingdom.

2012 Cooperation Of the contributions received in 2012:  32.86% Netherlands  23.94% Spain  11.38% European Union  10.77% Germany  4.54% Norway  11.2% People’s Republic of China, Finland, France, Korea, and Switzerland.

Cash Contributions from Permanent Observers in 2012

2012 In-kind Cooperation In-kind contributions totaled US$1,266,801 in 2012 Spain supported training efforts via courses and scholarships valued at US$601,670 Israel supported multiple training seminars through the Young Americas Business Trust valued at US$300,000 China hosted two OAS specialists in a seminar for Young Diplomats and provided courses and capacity-building training valued at US$298,110 Italy offered six scholarships at the International Training Center of the International Labor Organization Ministry of Education worth US$11,300 The Netherlands offered three scholarships at the International Institute of Social Studies from the University of Rotterdam equivalent to US$16,113

In-Kind Contributions from Permanent Observers in 2012

CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PERMANENT OBSERVERS TO THE OAS 2012 OBSERVERS CASH CONTRIBUTIONS IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS TOTALPERCENTAGE NETHERLANDS$4,383,261.22$16,113.00$4,399, % SPAIN$3,194,250.00$601,670.00$3,795, % EUROPEAN UNION$1,518, % GERMANY$1,436, % CHINA$342,690.00$298,110.00$640, % NORWAY$605, % FINLAND$383, % FRANCE$351,736.51$2,958.00$354, % KOREA$230, % SWITZERLAND$185, % ITALY$130,518.00$11,300.00$141, % IRELAND$129, % SWEDEN$118, % TURKEY$100, % JAPAN$89, % LUXEMBOURG$54, % UNITED KINGDOM$46, % SERBIA$20, % MOROCCO$13, % MONACO$6, % RUSSIAN FEDERATION $6, % ISRAEL $330, % TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS$13,340,830.96$930,151.00$14,270, Contributions from Permanent Observer in 2012

Technical Areas Receiving Donations The areas that most benefited from 2012 cash contributions were: Secretariat for Political Affairs (36.64%) Secretariat for Legal Affairs (19.76%) Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (13.79%) Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (11.61%) Secretariat for Multidimensional Security (8.80%) Secretariats for External Relations and Administration and Finance, Inter-American Children’s Institute, Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM), Young Americas Business Trust (YABT) and some funds to be programmed.

Cash Contributions from Permanent Observers by Technical Area

Programs that most benefited from 2012 support:  MAPP – US$3,671,914  Judicial Facilitators - US$2,132,940  IACHR Strategic Plan – US$1,613,881  Electoral Observation Missions – US$744,185  Inter-American Program for Universal Civil Registry and the Right to Identity (PUICA) – US$684,987  Training Seminars and Scholarships - US$928,393

Highlights Signed agreements to support OAS programs with: – Belgium – The European Union – France – Finland – Ireland – The Netherlands – Norway – Spain

Highlights  The General Secretariat continues its efforts to increase Permanent Observers involvement in the activities of the Organization  OAS received visits by the Americas Directors of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Ministries of Cooperation and Development of Permanent Observer countries

Highlights  First policy dialogue between officials of the European Union and the OAS held in Brussels on February  OAS Secretary General and the Director General of the Department of Latin America and the Caribbean of the Ministry of Foreign Relations of China, Yang Wanming, to discuss new options to further collaborate on projects and programs for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Ongoing Efforts Potential for donations from Permanent Observers needs to be fortified. The General Secretariat will continue high- level dialogue with Permanent Observer cooperation authorities to achieve a substantial and lasting strengthening of international cooperation agreements The General Secretariat promoted and encouraged Permanent Observer participation in OAS activities through regular announcements, communications and updates to its website regarding important events and significant contributions to OAS programs.

Ongoing Efforts The OAS General Secretariat has created a Strategic Plan for Resource Mobilization of External Funds in the OAS with Permanent Observers Objectives: – Enhance a reciprocal understanding from Permanent Observers, by strengthening and facilitating the links of cooperation, the exchange of information and best practices; – Implement a mechanism to identify High-Impact Programs and Priority Projects for the different technical areas within the Secretariats by the beginning of 2013; – Enhance the OAS’ capacity to coordinate its fundraising policies and activities, and improve resource mobilization efforts within the OAS technical areas. – Provide technical support to the areas within the Secretariats in the provision and promotion of the different programs and projects to be presented to the Permanent Observers.