Chapter 6
Journal Response Page 33 In chapter 6, Nick narrates Daisy singing. It’s written “After all, in the very casualness of Gatsby’s party there were romantic possibilities totally absent from her world…Perhaps some unbelievable guest would arrive, a person infinitely rare and to be marveled at, some authentically radiant young girl who with one fresh glance at Gatsby, one moment of magical encounter, would blot out those five years of unwavering devotion” (Fitzgerald ). Analyze the quote: What is Daisy afraid of? Why is she afraid of this? Do you think this is a real possibility? Why or why not?
Theme Analysis: People try to bring their past into their future There are several references to this theme throughout the novel so far. Analyze the chapters we’ve read and find quotes that demonstrate this theme. Highlight them in your book in addition to writing them in your journal. Be sure to include a brief summary as to how that quote connects to the theme. Complete this on pages
Two column chart summary on page 36 Look at the section where we learn more about Gatsby’s life. In one column, summarize the information presented about Gatsby’s former life (what it was like and what he did to work towards something) In another column, summarize what we know about the major differences in Gatsby’s life now Analyze on page 37: How does this information fit in with the theme of the American Dream?