Faculty Reviews Promotion & Tenure
Outline Overview of the process Recommendations for file presentation Evaluation of files Levels of Evaluation Questions, areas of clarification
Objective of the P & T File To demonstrate that cumulative performance merits tenure and/or promotion Multiple years of activity Organized by activity or content category, not by year
Process Differences by union UNAC Notification of intention to stand for tenure or promotion by the end of the prior contract period; list of two external reviewers Dean’s office requests reviews from external reviewers
Main Sections of File Introduction (vita, self-review) Documents: past reviews; workloads; activity reports; verification of degree (typically at end of file) Teaching Research Service Professional Development
Self-Review Address each category of the workload Analyze and evaluate; don’t just list. Thoughtful discussion is valued. Don’t duck discussion of areas where there might be questions. Use the language of applicable criteria For tenure & promotion to Associate: “success” For promotion to Professor: “exemplary” performance Reference college or disciplinary criteria
Section Summaries or Introductions Teaching – Research – Service Organize the file by content category, not by year. Label tabs with words, not numbers. Provide an introduction / summary to begin each section Brief discussion of key points – whatever you particularly want a reviewer to note One page maximum
Contents of File: Teaching Summary or Introduction (recommended) List of courses; new preps indicated Course syllabi Student evaluation summaries Evidence of effective teaching (in addition to student evaluations) Evaluation by peers Innovations in teaching Evidence of student success Appropriate levels of assessment
Contents of File: Research Summary or Introduction (recommended) Products of research or creative activity Publication Progress toward publication (peer reviewed and in revision? under review? Grants awarded Grant proposals submitted Presentation or exhibition Performances
Contents of File: Service Summary or Introduction (recommended) At the point of standing for tenure or promotion, be able to show different levels of service Department University Professional (disciplinary, regional or national) Public/Community (professionally related and recognized; not ordinary good citizenship) For promotion to Professor, demonstrate leadership or other “exemplary” contribution
Contents of File: Professional Development Summary or Introduction Advancement of professional skills; development of new competencies CAFÉ Disciplinary development New technology Demonstrate growth across the career
Select Presentation counts. Resist the temptation to include every note, card, handout, flyer, . Be realistic about how much reviewers will be able to read attentively. Limit the overall bulk. Present in a binder of reasonable and manageable size. Label tabs with words. No page protectors.