Games Development 1 Camera Projection / Picking CO3301 Week 8
Today’s Lecture 1.World / View Matrices Recap 2.Projection Maths 3.Pixel from World-Space Vertex 4.World Space Ray from Pixel Note: Formulae from this lecture are not examinable. However, discussion of the general process may be expected
Recap: Model Space An entity’s mesh is defined in its own local coordinate system - model space Each entity instance is positioned with a matrix –Transforming it from model space into world space This is the world matrix
Recap: World to Camera Space Next we consider how the entities are positioned and oriented relative to the camera Convert the models from world space into camera space –The scene as viewed from camera’s position This transformation is done with the view matrix
Camera to Viewport Space Finally project the camera space entities into 2D The 3D vertices are projected to camera position Assume the viewport is an actual rectangle in the scene Calculate where the rays hit the viewport = 2D geometry This is done (in part) with the projection matrix
Projection Details Cameras have internal settings: –Field of view ( fov ) –Clip distances – near and far ( z n, z f ) Near clip distance is from camera position to viewport –Where the geometry “slices” through the viewport Far clip distance is furthest that we can see fov is similar to selection of wide angle or zoom lens –fov can be different for width and height – fov x & fov y
Projecting a Vertex Consider projection of a 3D vertex (x, y, z) from camera space into 2D Call 2D viewport coords (x v, y v ) –y values not shown on diagram Calculate using similar triangles: x / z = x v / z n Similarly y / z = y v / z n So: x v = xz n / z & y v = yz n / z (1) Now have 2D coordinates, but still in world/camera space units
Actual Size of Viewport The 2D point (x v, y v ) calculated above is still measured in world units The viewport (part of the camera) has a physical presence in the world Calculate its physical dimensions to help convert this 2D point to pixel units Use camera settings to calculate viewport width & height: w v & h v tan(fov x /2) = (w v / 2) / z n so w v = 2z n tan(fov x / 2) (2) h v = 2z n tan(fov y / 2)
Converting to Viewport Space First convert 2D point to viewport space before calculating pixel coordinates In viewport space, on-screen coordinates range from –1 to 1 –Independent of viewport resolution Divide 2D coords from (1) by physical viewport dimensions (2) to get viewport space point (x n, y n ) x n = x v / (w v / 2) = 2x v / w v (3) y n = y v / (h v / 2) = 2y v / h v
Combining Steps Started with a 3D camera space point (x, y, z) Have showed three steps to get a resolution-independent 2D viewport space point (x n, y n ) Combining and simplifying the 3 steps gives: x n = x / (z tan(fov x / 2)) y n = y / (z tan(fov y / 2)) This is the perspective projection (division by tan ) and perspective divide (division by z ) In the rendering pipeline, the projection step is performed by the projection matrix –We haven’t previously looked at its operation
Perspective Projection Matrix This is a typical perspective projection matrix: –Other (e.g. non-perspective) types are possible Apply this to a camera space point (x, y, z) : –Note the 4 th ( w ) component becomes the original z value
After the Projection Matrix Note how the x and y coordinate are similar to the projection equations we manually derived Final step is to divide the x, y and z coordinates by the original camera-space z –The perspective divide mentioned earlier –The w component is used as it has the original z value Note that the d value (in the z component) is also divided, leaving it in the range 0 to 1 –This is the value used for the depth buffer –Explaining why our 2D vertices have 4 components: 2D x & y, depth buffer value (in z) and original camera space z (in w) In the rendering pipeline, the projection matrix is usually applied in the vertex shader Perspective divide occurs after shaders (in hardware)
Converting to Pixels Finally map the coordinates (x n, y n ) from range -1 to 1 to final pixel coordinates (x p, y p ) If the viewport width & height (in pixels) are w p & h p then x p = w p (x n + 1) / 2 y p = h p (1 - y n ) / 2 –Map to 0=>1 range then scale to viewport pixel dimensions –Second formula also flips the Y axis (viewport Y is down) This usually occurs in hardware
Picking Sometimes we need to manually perform the projection process: –To find the pixel for a particular 3D point –E.g. To draw text/sprites in same place as a 3D model –E.g. To find 2D coordinate of portal vertices Or perform the process in reverse: –Each 2D pixel corresponds to a ray in 3D space (refer to the projection diagram) –Finding and working with this ray is called picking –E.g. to find the 3D object under the mouse The algorithms for both follow – they are derived from the previous slides
1) Pixel from World-Space Vertex Start with world space vertex P –Ensure it has a 4 th component w = 1.0f Multiply this vertex by combined view / projection matrix to give projected 2D point Q If Q.w < 0 then the vertex is behind us, discard Otherwise do perspective divide: Q.x /= Q.w and Q.y /= Q.w Finally, scale to pixel coordinates X, Y: X = (Q.x + 1) * (ViewportWidth / 2) Y = (1 - Q.y) * (ViewportHeight / 2) Use to draw text/sprites in same place as 3D entity
2a) World-Space Point From Pixel Given pixel coordinates (X, Y), first convert to projected 2D point Q: Q.x = X / (ViewportWidth / 2) - 1 Q.y = 1 – Y / (ViewportHeight / 2) We will calculate a result world-space point that is exactly on the clip plane, so: Q.z = 0 (the closest depth buffer value) Q.w = Z n (the near clipping distance) Undo the perspective divide: Q.x *= Q.w, Q.y *= Q.w and Q.z *= Q.w Multiply this vertex by the inverse of the combined view / projection matrix to give final 3D point
2b) World-Space Ray From Pixel The calculation above generates a world space point exactly on the near clip plane –As near to the camera as possible More frequently want a ray –A line projecting from a point in a given direction Ray start point is either the calculated point, or the camera position Ray direction is (calculated point – camera position) Cast ray through the scene to find nearest target Can use space partitions to help with this task