Integrating the Arts Ergle University of Central Florida
Art Integration: A Methodology for Learning Using the arts as a teaching methodology allows students to think more deeply about subject matter. Knowledge is evolving and non-static Art allows students to apply knowledge in an imaginative way and make personal connection to subject/concept. Transformation (a constructivist idea) causes students to take in their observations, seriously work with them internalize them, and transform them into their own knowledge and understanding. University of Central Florida
What are “the Arts” Defined broadly in this class: Performing Arts: dance, drama, music, voice Visual Arts: photography, literature, sculpture, drawing and painting “Art is life and life is art” The arts are humanity’s expression of life itself.” Art encourages imagination and creativity fundamental to all careers- CEO, auto mechanic, computer tech, teacher University of Central Florida
Methodology for Learning Learning With the Arts A way for students to learn about a subject, concept, people, culture by examining art. Learning about the Cherokee by listening to authentic music and art. Learning about a mathematical concept by looking at nature such as a nautilus shell. University of Central Florida
Methodology for Learning Learning Through the Arts: Encourages students to expand their understanding of a concept by expressing it through an art form. Drawing a picture map of a story Acting out a poem Dramatize a court scene Sing the 50 states and capitals Creating a metaphorical sculpture to represent the role of a teacher or of knowledge Create a Facebook page as a character from history Write a poem or song about a scientific concept University of Central Florida
Methodology for Learning Learning about the Arts Learning with and through the arts can lead to a desire to know more about the arts. After using George Seurat’s pointillism in math class, the students wanted to know more about impressionism. After an assignment in science using photography, students wanted to look online for more nature photographers and how to take better photographs. University of Central Florida
University of Central Florida