A) All men are created equal. B) Girls should act like girls. C) It’s okay to be different. D) Nobody is all bad or all good. E) Some words are so offensive that they should never be stated or written. F) Under our justice system, all citizens are treated fairly in our courts of law. G) The old adage, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt you” is true.
H) Speaking standard grammar proves that a person is smart. I) A hero is born, not made. J) No one is above the law. K) Education is the great equalizer. L) When the law does not succeed in punishing criminals, citizens should do so.
Born April 28, 1926 An avid reader 31 when she wrote To Kill a Mockingbird Grew up in Monroeville Father and sister were lawyers Father was in the state legislature Studied law for 6 months Worked for an airline as a clerk Older brother and neighbor (Truman Copote) were playmates TKM published in 1960 – beginning of the Civil Rights Era TKM 1961 Pulitzer Prize Winner TKM takes place in fictional Maycomb, Alabama during the 1930s and the Great Depression
March 25, 1931 in Paint Rock – Northern Alabama Friends got into a fight with some white boys on a train Freight train stopped and 9 men arrested All hauled to jail – only blacks were detained – charged with rape after they were put in jail 8 of 9 were found guilty and sentenced to death or to years in prison Twice the Supreme Court reversed the convictions 1937 – charges against 4 defendants were dropped 1940s – 3 defendants were freed Haywood Patterson escaped from prison in 1948 and fled to the North He was tried 4 times and was sentenced to death 3 times His 4 th sentence was 75 years in prison The case was settled in 1976 with the pardon of the last defendants Many remained on death row for many years.
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