Andrea Carrano To see samples of Andrea’s work, Use the Arrow keys or screen (top) Arrows Space Bar, Enter, etc., may work, too. Check “View” about scrolling or a Slide Show. Use BackArrow or BackSpace to return to SCS.
Andrea Carrano Studies Sculpture with W.G. Pacelli. Yale University, Dynamic Life Drawing with William B.Weltman Pratt Institute, Manhattan Sculpture with Stanley Bliefeld and Jim Youngman Bliefeld Studio Fairfield and Westport Sculpture and Anatomy with Janice Mauro Wooster Art Center Danbury Presently Sculpting at studio in home with clay and various materials creating sculpture using sketches and photos. Experimenting with new casting materials and techniques. Experience Has done commisioned sculpture for restraunts and gardens. Picadilly Square Restraunt and Italian Sculpture Garden Has participated in juried shows, such as the Lockwood –Mathews Mansion Museum show, Norwalk CT. Presented work to Brookgreen Gardens, South Carolina Member of The Society of Connecticut Sculptors Use Esc to stop. Use BackArrow or close Tab or Window to return to SCS.