RAB-I RASHIDI UNIVERSITY 1389/90 academic year Department of microbiology and immunology
Resolving Power Line
[25] Small intestine (rat). Tri-PAS reaction. 1 = goblet cells; 2 = the PAS positive content of goblet cells on the surface of intestinal villi. 600 X.
[18] Spinal cord (calf, cross section).. Cresyl violet staining. 1 = perikaryons of motor neurons; 2 = nucleolus; 3 = dendrit; 4 = nucleus (the dye was solved out from the DNA containing areas during procedure). 900 X.
[8] Liver (rat). Hematoxylin - eosin staining. 1 = nuclei; 2 = cytoplasm. 400 X.
Fluorescens stereomicroscope Drosophila Melanogaster Brown Dog Tick Starfish
Filamentous actin and microtubules (structural proteins) in mouse fibroblasts (cells) (1000x) Fluorescence
Dorsal root ganglion neurons of an embryonic rat (100x) Fluorescence
Mouse spermatozoa (100x) Fluorescence
Isolated human sperm cells (1500x) Fluorescence
Epithelial cell in anaphase (stage of cell division) (100x) Confocal
Sheep placenta stained with India ink (5x) Polarized Light
HeLa (cancer) cells (100x) Fluorescence and Deconvolution