The Sexual Crisis of Teens 李季瑩 Janet 林孟嬋 Tracy 周嘉庭 Brenda 劉詩敏 Mint 吳佳穎 Jeremy
★ Motivation 1. Teenage sex is becoming a widespread phenomenon in Taiwan. 2. What was once regarded as westerners’ behavior is now common among Taiwanese students. 3. We are deeply concerned about this problem, and we want to get a deeper understanding into this issue. 4. We are looking for possible solutions to this problem.
★ The Purpose 高中職生贊成婚前性行為比率 What worries us greatly is the early sexual behavior of teenagers and the problems they have caused. With a lack of sexual education, students cannot truly understand or deal with problems regarding sex. As a result, they view it simply as a game, believing love equals sex. If they can fully comprehend the consequences and morals, it won’t be a game or dream anymore. This will help prevent psychological and physical harm caused by early sex.
Believe it or not ! According to a research, in Taiwan, about 63.4% of students have had a certain kind of sexual behavior, and nearly 30% have tried risky sexual behaviors, such as one night stand. Another research shows that The average age of Taiwanese students with the first-time sexual behavior is 14 years old, and 64 interviewees under 12 years old have had the first-time sexual behavior.
★ Problems of Teenage Sex 1. Sexually Transmitted Disease : AIDS、 Syphilis 2. Teen Pregnancy : Young parents’ mind tend to be immature and unstable, which will impact the baby’s mind negatively. 3. Abortion : Abortion is the process of using artificial termination of pregnancy. It might harm both of the physical and psychological, even lead to infertility.
★ The result Nowadays, with the opening attitude toward sex, teens are having more sex than before. Family negligence and lack of proper school education are two causes. These are also important aspects to work on and reverse the trend.
Solutions More education. Hold seminars. Integration into school courses. More government fund. International research.