Draft Children’s Services (Scotland) Bill David Thomson


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Presentation transcript:

Draft Children’s Services (Scotland) Bill David Thomson

This session  About 10 to 15 minutes  Aim is to give you an understanding of: The consultation process and timings Key issues in the Bill Other issues we are consulting on  Opportunity to submit questions

The consultation

  Copies widely distributed  Copies available today 

Process and timing: the consultation  Published on 19 December 2006  With responses due by 31 March 2007  Number of consultation events  And a hope that legislation would be ready for consideration by the new administration in May / June  To be introduced?

The draft Bill: Key issues

Should I be paying attention?: Agencies  You are an agency if you are: A local authority A Health Board A police force A specified public body A specified non-public body  And you have proposed duties under this Bill

Taking action to support children  Agencies must: Be alert to the needs of children Take action where required  Action taken must: Be in the best interests of the child Have regard to the views of the child and their family

A framework for working together  Agencies should work together locally and should make effective arrangements  When working together for an individual child or young person, agencies must: Adopt a plan Designate a person responsible for implementation

A wider responsibility to deliver for children  Changes to grounds for referral to reflect: The needs of the child An indicator of significant need The need for compulsion  Introduction of interim supervision requirements  Widening duties imposed in supervision requirements to relevant agencies

Other things to think about

We are also consulting on:  Changes to the Vulnerable Witnesses Act  Engaging with young people involved in offending  Changes to the SCRA and procedural changes to Children’s Hearings system

And:  Equal opportunities and Human Rights  Information sharing amongst agencies  Support for panel members  Regulatory impact assessment

Thanks for listening and contributing