Supervision key words Grundvig meeting, Amsterfoort June 4-6, 2009 Inese Stankus-Visa
Supervision key words Supervision processmethodscounsellingrolesfocusformsaimskillsdynamicsknowledgeethicstechnicsreflection
Knowledge Skills Theoretical background of spupervision forms, methods, consultation process Practical skills for implementation of theoretical knowledge
Forms Methods Group supervision Individual supervision Team supervision Intervision Methods based on psychoanalysis, systemic theories, gestalt, etc.
Process Dynamics Supervision process in group supervison, team supervision, intervision, individual supervision To manage process Contract group dynamic: phases Study group dynamics
Aim Focus Supervision Profession Supervisor Supervisee Organization Training and course aim supervision process Aim Needs Focal points Focusing and formulating the problem
Counselling Technics Process of counselling Active listening: paraphrasing, reflection of emotions and feelings, summing-up Confrontation Mirroring Refection Feed-back Moderation Procedural model Focused supervison Conflict solving Team development Role playing Games
Roles Ethics Supervisor roles Supervisee roles Roles in group Principals Values Attitudes Stereotypes Intercultural communication
Reflection Self – reflection Reflection about practice Reflection about group processes