Alberta SouthWest Broadband for Economic Development Research
The Board understands the value and importance of connectivity for rural communities Determine current levels of service and infrastructure (mapped) Define what service levels will meet needs of communities and businesses today and into the future Identify options Choose a solution and move forward
Questions we’re asking 1) Why is high speed broadband necessary?
Questions we’re asking 2) How much is enough (download/upload)?
Questions we’re asking 3) Does high speed broadband need to be viewed by municipalities as a basic utility? What are the advantages of broadband as a utility? What are the disadvantages?
Questions we’re asking 4) How do we close the gaps in service levels between urban, rural, and very rural (MD’s & Counties)?
Questions we’re asking 5) What is the economic development role of Alberta SouthWest in helping facilitate this?
Questions we’re asking 6) What does a solution for our region look like?
Theory we like The “Enough” theory
Alberta SouthWest Questions? Please see me after or contact: Bob Dyrda Other helpful resources: Fiber to the Home Council Broadband Communities Magazine