PBIS Classroom System Classroom System Assessment Check-list and Action Plan
PBIS Classroom System Priorities for Improvement - Purpose - To assist teachers with the implementation and maintenance of effective ‘best practice’ classroom management techniques To provide teachers with a method for self- assessment (individually or with colleagues) of classroom system To make classroom systems that are compatible with PBIS school-wide practices
PBIS Classroom System Priorities for Improvement - Selection Basis - Consider; Key Elements Checklists Office referral data (look for patterns by; behavior, time of day, subject matter/type, etc.) Intervention Team (Yellow) referral data (look for patterns as noted above) Observations (informal or formal) Consultation with colleagues (Grade-level Team, Admin. and/or Intervention Team) Other
Classroom System Element #1: Physical Space Space accommodates primary instructional goals (i.e. instruction, individual student work, group work, active supervision, etc.) High traffic areas are clear All students can be observed at all times from every vantage point in room Frequently used materials are easily accessible All students can see and hear presentations and displays
Classroom System Element #1: Class Schedule Maximizes educational priorities (I.e. reading, math, etc.) Intensive instruction in a.m. Physical transitions (inside and out of room) are optimal Behavioral concerns are prevented by class schedule (Daily, weekly and for year) Other ___________________________________
Classroom System Element #2: Teaching Classroom Expectations Expectations are stated explicitly (observable and measurable) and in positive terms Expectations are consistent with School matrix Students were involved in setting expectations (as appropriate) Expectations are posted in room (visible from several feet) Classroom Expectations are formally taught (I.e. ‘Cool Tools’) at beginning of year and as necessary throughout the school year
Classroom System Element #3: Classroom Routines Essential routines are identified (i.e. entering and exiting class, seating, subject transitions, test/quiz procedures, homework turn-in procedures, etc.) Essential routines are formally taught and reinforced at beginning of year and as needed
Classroom System Element #4: Managing Consequences Positive consequences are used more often (4 to 1 positive to negative) and prior (when possible) to negative consequences Classroom positive reinforcement system is understood by students and is tied into to school reinforcement system Positive and negative consequences are understood by students Consequences are given as soon after behavior (pos. or neg.) as is possible Consequences are delivered consistently
Classroom System Element #5: Pre-Correcting Problem Behavior Context (“triggers”) of problem behavior is identified Expected behaviors is stated Context (“triggers”) is modified Expected behavior is rehearsed with student(s) Strong reinforcement is given Expected behavior is prompted Student behavior is monitored (data review)
Classroom System Element #6: Correcting Problem Behavior Behavior Correction Sequence is followed; Students who are performing expected behavior are reinforced first Student is told what is expected (“take care of the problem”) in a calm manner Student is given a choice between expected behavior and negative consequence Student is directed to make choice As necessary, consequence (ODR and/ or a classroom consequence) is given
Classroom System Element #7: Quality Instruction Every student regularly has an opportunity for responding to information presented (esp. ‘Yellow- needs’ students) Time on task is appropriate (i.e. silent reading, writing, group time, etc.) Every student is appropriately challenged by the task (differentiated instruction necessary?) Tasks given increase likelihood of student mastery of information
Priority Target Areas # 1 ___________________________________ ____________________________________ #2 ____________________________________ _____________________________________
Priority #1 __________________________ Specifics of Plan: When Monitoring Steps (Pre and post-plan data point?)
Priority#2 __________________________ Specifics of Plan: When Monitoring Steps (Pre and post-plan data point?)
Maintenance Plan Based on review of data: 1.Plan maintained? Yes/No 2.Plan modified? Yes/No 1.- How? 3.New Plan Developed? 4.Classroom system referred to Intervention (Yellow) Team?