Group May Bryan McCoy Kinit Patel Tyson Williams
What is Bioinformatics? Genetic sequencing. Massive amounts of data. Simple operations but many of them. Perfect for distributed computing.
Cell Broadband Engine Has 1 central PowerPC based PPE. Has 8 surrounding SPEs. The 8 SPEs are connected via the element interconnect bus.
Cell Broadband Engine
Functional requirements Ported applications shall run on the Cell B.E. The results returned shall be the same as the original program. The applications shall return their runtime. The applications shall execute in parallel on multiple Cell B.E.s.
Non-Functional Requirements The Cells shall all run on the Linux OS. The resulting runtimes of the ported applications shall be faster than on the original applications. The ported application shall be coded in the C language.
Work Breakdown Structure Port Apps to Cluster PS3s Problem DefinitionResearch Cell/B.E Research Bioperf Suite Research Distributed Parallel Algorithms Research Previously Done Work End Product Design Design Requirements Design ProcessDesign Documents Considerations and Selections Decide Which Linux to Install Decide which applications to port End Product Implementation Hardware Implementation Prototyping Implementation Software Implementation End Product Testing Ensure Correctness of Output Results Benchmarking Final Documentation and Demonstration Create Final Report Create Project Poster Prepare for Presentation
Problem Definition Learn more about how the cell works and the difficulties in programming. Learn the algorithms behind the BioPerf Suite. Learn more about how to distribute algorithms across processors and machines. Get up to speed with work the previous group has done. Problem DefinitionResearch Cell/B.E Research Bioperf Suite Research Distributed Parallel Algorithms Research Previously Completed Work
End Product Design Come up with the design requirements Implement the engineering design process in our work Create the design document End Product Design Design Requirements Design Process Design Documents
Considerations and Selections Decide on which version of linux to flash to the rom. Yellow Dog Decide on specific applications in the BioPerf suite to port. Considerations and Selections Decide Which Linux to Install Decide which applications to port
End Product Implementation Get the hardware together and running Prototype different software approaches Code actual software. End Product Implementation Hardware Implementation Prototyping Implementation Software Implementation
End Product Testing Test to be sure that the output is correct. Test to be sure the ported application is faster than the original. End Product Testing Ensure Correctness of Output Results Benchmarking
Final Documentation and Demonstration Write a report of our findings. Create a poster to explain the project in a visual way. Create and prepare a final presentation to explain the project verbally. Final Documentation and Demonstration Create Final Report Create Project Poster Prepare for Presentation
Work Schedule Gant chart