Title I Schoolwide Mid- Year Review Melissa Moe and Kris Rangel January 24, 2013
Burning questions that need to be addressed?
A few reminders...
Schoolwide Programming A comprehensive reform model The model is designed to generate high levels of academic achievement in core academic areas for all students, especially those who are not demonstrating proficiency in meeting the Common Core State Standards.
DPI Schoolwide Brochure 3 Core Elements: 1. Conduct a comprehensive needs assessment... Team Vision Profile Identify and analysis of data 2. Develop a comprehensive schoolwide plan Components Needs, priorities and strategies Measurable goals Written and available 3. Conduct an annual evaluation of the schoolwide plan Team Data driven Results and future planning shared Input from all stakeholders
Schoolwide Assurances 1. Our schoolwide plan addresses the 10 components; has been distributed to parents, teachers, and community representatives; and is available for public review. 2. Our plan was developed in consultation with the district and its school support team or other technical assistance provider. 3. All paraprofessionals meet the definition of highly qualified as outlined under NCLB. 4. All paraprofessionals are working under the supervision of a highly qualified teacher. 5. We will conduct an annual review of the schoolwide plan to ensure that the program description in the plan is implemented as designed and has a positive effect on student achievement. 6. We will retain documentation related to the three core components of a schoolwide program: conducting a comprehensive needs assessment, creating a comprehensive schoolwide plan, and conducting an annual evaluation.
Schoolwide Narrative 1....Comprehensive needs assessment...identify priority needs to be addressed Schoolwide program vision Integrated resources and funding sources...building capacity to improve student achievement Engage parents, teachers, and community representatives...keep all stakeholders informed Evaluation design...measuring the effectiveness of the schoolwide program 6....On-going student progress monitoring....
Current Reality... Given your current reality... Is the work getting done? What needs to happen for it to get done? Does anything need to change? What can you do to move the work along?
Building Profile Who are "you" and what's happening? What does the current building-level data tell you about the students? School Report Card, local data sources: (demographic data, behavioral data, assessment results, etc.) What are the instructional procedures for core reading? Math? Universal Reading Procedures (DPI/RtI Center Document) CESA #11 Literacy Audit
Program Vision *Important to create a clearly articulated vision of where you're going to focus on what's important and offer a compass for decisions and activities *How do you convey the vision so there is buy-in and commitment to the work? *How do you know what your vision should be? Reading Belief Survey Math Belief Survey *Give it a try...today's vision statement...
Schoolwide Plan What are the identified priorities for ? How do your practices align with your priorities? Team activity: 10 Components - Instructional practices/cards *Note taker...pick someone *Read the given cards and discuss how your building performs the instructional practice *Determine if it is a strength for your building or an area of need *Which component does the activity on the card address? *Determine which component(s) are areas of strength and which are areas of need that should be addressed
Annual Evaluation Data to determine effectiveness of activities... Are your goals being met? Is student achievement increasing as planned? Are you carrying out the planned activities? Evidence/documentation of all activities... Team discussion: Timeline for spring team meetings Data to be collected Date for Annual Review/sharing of information with stakeholders
Evidence/Required Documentation Evidence of progress... Other documentation to show your progress and all of the good things you're doing
Any last minute questions? Thank you for joining us today... Please call if we can help in some way...
Team time Remaining time...time to work