Cardiovascular System & the Heart
The Cardiovascular System SN p. 125 Links all parts of your body Consists of heart, blood vessels, and blood Main functions Delivering needed materials to all cells Oxygen, food Removes waste products from cells Carbon dioxide Fighting Disease – transports cells that attack disease causing microorganisms
Blood Blood is a complex tissue that is made up of:
Blood Vessels Arteries – carry blood rich with oxygen and nutrients away from the heart Capillaries – smallest blood vessel with thin walls, exchange of materials between blood and body cells Veins – carry oxygen-poor cells back to the heart
Heart Activity SN p. 125 Click the clothespin together as many times as you can for 2 minutes. Collect your personal data, both quantitative and qualitative Trial #QuantitativeQualitative Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
Heart SN p. 131 Left Atrium Left Ventricle Vena Cava Pulmonary Artery Right Atrium Right Ventricle Aorta Pulmonary Vein Body/Sci-Media/Animation/Label-the-heart
Two Loop System The heart is at the center of 2 loops First loop, blood travels from the heart to the lungs and back Second loop, blood travels throughout the body and back Heart is 2 pumps – right side pumps blood to lungs, left side pumps blood to the rest of the body
Loop one: To the Lungs and Back Blood entering right atrium is oxygen poor, but rich in CO2; blood in dark red Passes through valve into right ventricle Ventricle pumps blood out into the pulmonary artery to the lungs Large blood vessels branch into smaller ones to capillaries Blood cells drop off waste CO2(exhaled) and pick up O2 (inhaled) Blood leaves lungs oxygen-rich ( bright red) and goes back to the left atrium
Loop Two: To the Body and Back Left atrium fills with oxygen rich blood Flows through a valve to left ventricle Left ventricle pumps blood out of the heart through the aorta Passes through branching arteries to capillaries, where oxygen is delivered to cells and CO2 is picked up Blood that is low in oxygen returns to heart through veins to the right atrium