Phylum: Chordata- an animal Genus: Canis- coyote, wolves, dogs Species: Familiaris- domesticated Diet: Carnivora- carnivore Class: Mammlia- an mammal Family: Canidae- dog like characteristics TAXONOMY
Beagles originally came from England around Breed mainly for rabbit hunting King Edward III used the beagle to hunt in England and France. Short thick fur, like the woods and also known to be a in-door dog HABITAT
Short muzzle with wide nose. This is used for trial hunting. Strong smelling ability Muscular but small breed Pointy white tip tail to help owners find while hunting Short and thick fur Stamina for long hunts ADAPTATION
Beagles are omnivores. They have sensitive stomachs Should eat a balance diet of protein and healthy carbohydrates Should be feed in the morning and small amount in the evening. My beagles gets a can of green beans once a week to help his stomach DIET
Very playful dogs Loves to bark and howl My beagle, Bandit loves to snore when sleeping at night and napping FUN FACTS