1 Ole Steuernagel and Maria Schilstra University of Hertfordshire Hatfield
Cellular Automaton ModellingCellular Automaton Modelling Typical behaviourTypical behaviour Some semi-analytical resultsSome semi-analytical results Deriving the master equationDeriving the master equation 1
Heavy Traffic
Heavy traffic – solutions?
No other distinguishing features: same size, same acceleration, same behaviour… Traffic flow modelled by point particles 10 units V max 5 units V max No other distinguishing features: same size, same acceleration, same behaviour…
Cellular Automaton – Evolution Rules p
Heavy Traffic – Modelling with Cellular automata A la Nagel and Schreckenberg
Heavy Traffic – Modelling with Cellular automata A la Nagel and Schreckenberg
Traffic – Modelling = (remaining free road) (drive-off probability)
Acceleration Matrix A
Randomization Matrix R
Slow-down Matrix S
Joint Transformation Matrix T T contractive
Steady state of Joint Transformation J simulation master equation
Steady state of Joint Transformation simulation master equation
Slow-down due to other vehicles Follower Leader
Follower Leader Slow-down due to other vehicles
Slow Down Matrix S(P) Follower Leader
Slow Down Matrix S(P)
S(P) nonlinear in P
Steady state of Joint Transformation J modified master equation simulation master equation
Steady state of Joint Transformation modified master equation simulation master equation
Fundamental Diagrams J p=0.1 p=0.5 p=0.9
OUTLOOK: Insert real world numbers Study effects of length acceleration lane bias noise structure formation Related fields? network traffic OUTLOOK: Insert real world numbers Study effects of length acceleration lane bias noise structure formation Related fields? network traffic
OUTLOOK ON NOISE Maria Schilstra’S recent simulations…