Elizabeth Pyatt, ITS See Notes panel for image ALT tags MathML (& LaTeX) Workflow 2015
Thanks To…. Jennifer Babb (EMS Dutton) Mike Brooks (World Campus) Stevie Rocco (EMS Dutton) Alexa Schriempf (TLT Accessibility) Stan Smith (Eberly College of Science) Sonya Woods (World Campus) Christian Vinten-Johansen (TLT Accessibility) Sites & ANGEL Support
A Commonly Used Equation Standard Deviation (Statistics)
Why MathML Matters Allows equation to be maintained as text Enables quick edits, better zoom Preserves semantic structure Screen reader can navigate to parts of an equation Blessed by W3C (host of standard), MathJax (AMS/SIAM) MIT and others AMS, APS, ACS, IEEE, … Apple, Wolfram, MathWorks, Design Science, …. Elsevier, AIP Publishing
What IS MathML? Markup Language Specifically an XML language Looks like HTML with different tags E=mc 2 (Einstein) E = m c 2
Critical MathML Jargon Namespace (Usually choose) Where spec is hosted on W3C Include Link to xmlns= in initial MATH taghttp:// Which version? Use version 2.0 with name space M-Namespace (Avoid) A variant by Microsoft Same MathML tags prefixed by “m:” Don’t use unless someone needs it.
M Name Space code (just for kicks) E = m c 2
MathJax & MathPlayer MathJax An open source JavaScript Library Enables consistent rendering of MathML across browsers e.g. Chrome MUST use MathJax MathPlayer Plugin for I.E., specifically MathPlayer 3 on IE 9 OR MathPlayer 4 Beta on IE 10+ Older versions of MathPlayer required M- namespace MathML
Creating MathML NOT by handcoding! Use Equation Editor MathType (Mac/Windows) WIRIS latex.html WIRIS latex.html MathMagic (Mac) Others….
Equation Editor Palette
LaTeX (LaTeχ) An offshoot of TeX (Donald Knuth) created by Leslie Lamport Math equations and formatted text Examples E=mc 2 is E = mc^2 e iπ = -1 is e^{i \pi} & = -1 Standard Deviation \sigma = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N-1} \sum_{i=1}^N (x_i - \overline{x})^2}
Why not just use LaTeX? Screen reader support non-existent Syntax is not as rich as MathML What about LaTeX with MathJax? It only works with IE/JAWS on IE 9 VoiceOver (Mac/iPhone) cannot process results BUT…don’t get rid of LaTeX Still a great tool for print/short hand Easily converts to MathML
How to Implement MathML Store equation in LaTeX or Equation Editor Convert to MathML for Web or Office Office Equation editor does NOT do MathML Beware Remove display=“block” if you need to embed in a sentence Add a link to MathJax Manually (Web Page, ANGEL, CMS) Plugin Penn State)
2 MathJax Links Supports MathML or LaTeX Open site ( Password Prorected ( Prevents Firefox complaints See MathJaxMathJax
Visual Browser Support BrowserComments Firefox 3+Excellent support SafariQuirky, newer versions better IE 9Use MathPlayer 3 w Namespace MathML IE 11 (10 buggy)Use MathPlayer 4 w/MathJax ChromeOnly with MathJax iOS SafariQuirky with MathJax
Screen Reader Support jeux.com/blog/frederic/?post/2015/05/06/MathML-Accessibility jeux.com/blog/frederic/?post/2015/05/06/MathML-Accessibility Screen ReaderComments JAWS 16+MathJax w/ IE11 or Firefox (MathPlayer?) JAWS 15IE 9 w/ MathPlayer 3 VoiceOverBetter without MathJax NVDAUse MathPlayer 4 / Firefox iOS SafariQuirky with MathJax (better without)
Let’s Demo this MathType Create Equation Set Copy (i.e. export) preferences HTML page Export code from editor Add link to MathJax in HEAD Sites at Penn State Enable MathJax plugin Set configuration to TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML Paste code in code view between [mathjax] tags
Equation Editor Palette
MathType Copy Preferences
CSS Support Good for enlarging default or color coding parts of equation can target MATH, MFRAC, MSQRT… Enlarge w/MathJax MathJax & CSS quirky, hence inline style or custom class Enlarge w/MathJax in Sites Need to customize plugin CSS classes MathJax_Display {font-size 1.25em}
Sites MathJax Plugin
Plugin Settings Set Configuration: “ TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML” Force load: Check if many pages have MathML Custom Location: Use URL if password protected
Sites Editor Text Mode (code) [mathjax] E = 2 π h c 2 … [mathjax]
LMS ANGEL (in HTML source view) Add MathML + Link to MathJax link in HTML view Use link Canvas No direct MathML support (Sigh). BUT Use native equation editor. Can insert LaTeX MathML read to screen readers only (buggy)
ANGEL (HTML Editor Code View)
Canvas Equation Editor 1
Canvas Equation Editor 2
Final Canvas MathType Notes Remove extra marks in red as needed E.g. \[….\] Design Science MathType Help pe/works_with.asp pe/works_with.asp Select platform/app from menu
Links! MathML Accessibility (v 2.0) MathML Accessibility MathJax (works with MathML) / MathJax / STIX Font Download/Sourceforge: Download/Sourceforge: Info: Info: MathML Wikipedia: Wikipedia: W3C MathML 2: W3C MathML 2: