GKidz Fire Drill @TC 1 & 2 March 2014
GKidz Fire Drill Objective This fire drill is not about fighting fire nor rescuing people from the building. We leave that to the SCDF.
GKidz Fire Drill Objective This fire drill is to evacuate all the children and leaders quickly in case of fire.
GKidz Fire Drill Site Commander is… Pastor Yew Lin
GKidz Fire Drill Fire Warden 1 & 2 Team Leaders
Site Commander When fire alarm goes, checks fire alarm panel and locate source of fire. Activates evacuation if there is fire. Brief all Fire Wardens on exits and assembly point. Calls 995 Conducts roll call at assembly point. Gives the all clear once fire is under control.
Fire Alarm Panel @Blk 80
Fire Panel We are @ Zone 1
Fire Panel @TC
Fire Panel @TC Chapel is @ Zone 7
Fire Warden 1 Reports to Site Commander at the Fire Panel once fire alarm goes. Gets instructions regarding exits and assembly point. Directs children and leaders which exits to use. Directs ALL to assembly point.
Fire Warden 2 Prepares children to evacuate. Remind leaders to check head count. Remind children to walk, not run. Checks room, toilets, cupboards to ensure NO children are left behind. Provides first aid at assembly point.
Leaders Check the no. of children you have. Keep the children with you at all times. Remind them to walk, not run. Follow instructions of the Fire Wardens. Check the no. of children again at assembly point. Report any missing child to Site Commander immediately.
Children Listen to your leaders. Do not rush out on your own. Do not panic. Listen to your leaders. Do not rush out on your own. Do not bring your belongings. Do not run, walk. Look out for your partner or buddy.
Important Note Do not pack and bring your belongings. Do not rush out on your own. Go to assembly point if you need first aid.
Exits @ Blk 80 TC HALL 3 HALL 5 HALL 1 HALL 2 HALL 4 STAIRCASE C STAIRCASE B STAIRCASE A Toilet Toilet Toilet Toilet
Do not use the lift during a fire! Exits @ Chapel STAIRCASE A STAIRCASE B LIFT CHAPEL STAGE Toilet Toilet
Assembly Points David Club – At Badminton Court between Blk 61 & 62 Timothy Club – At Badminton Court between Blk 61 & 62 Barnabas Club – At field next to Octopus
(David & Timothy Clubs) Assembly Points (David & Timothy Clubs) Staircase C TC Block 80 Blk 61 Staircase A Staircase B NTUC Multi-storey carpark Assembly Point Blk 62
Badminton Court between Blk 61 & 62 Saturday night
Badminton Court between Blk 61 & 62 Sunday morning
Assembly Points TC (Barnabas Club) Block 80 NTUC Coffee Shop Assembly
Field @Octopus Saturday night
Field @Octopus Sunday morning
Assembly Point At Assembly Point, all Leaders must account for all the children. If all are accounted for, Site Commander must give the total time taken for the Fire Drill and then dismiss everyone.
Standby for the Fire Alarm