The Kingdom of God Our Father in heaven, He hears all our prayers—


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Presentation transcript:

The Kingdom of God Our Father in heaven, He hears all our prayers— This is the way of the kingdom of God. He meets all our needs With enough left to share—

For thine is the kingdom, the power, the glory, For ever and ever. Amen. For thine is the kingdom, This is the way of the kingdom of God.

God gives us forgiveness, we pass it along— This is the way of the kingdom of God. He helps us say no when temptation is strong—

For thine is the kingdom, the power, the glory For ever and ever. Amen. the power, the glory, This is the way of the kingdom of God.

who rose from the grave— This is the way of the kingdom of God. We praise God for Jesus, who rose from the grave— This is the way of the kingdom of God. And now in His kingdom He makes us a place—

For thine is the kingdom, the power, the glory For ever and ever. Amen. the power, the glory, This is the way of the kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God by Jamie Owens Collins © 2004 Fairhill Music, Inc. Used by permission. Kingdom of the Son Songbook