SATIRE A work that ridicules its subject through the use of techniques such as exaggeration, reversal, and incongruity.
SATIRE Satire is a literary device that uses irony or wit usually in a humorous way, to comment on or criticize a person, group or event. Usually the intention of satiric writing is to force a change in behaviour or to sway public opinion. Satire is a literary device that uses irony or wit usually in a humorous way, to comment on or criticize a person, group or event. Usually the intention of satiric writing is to force a change in behaviour or to sway public opinion. Satire often involves elements of both parody and caricature, but it is usually more complex than either of them. While satire often intends to be humorous, its ultimate goal is usually serious. Satire has been used to call attention to dangerous living conditions, hypocritical public figures and business leaders’ illegal actions. A good satire makes its audience laugh and causes them to reconsider an issue. Satire often involves elements of both parody and caricature, but it is usually more complex than either of them. While satire often intends to be humorous, its ultimate goal is usually serious. Satire has been used to call attention to dangerous living conditions, hypocritical public figures and business leaders’ illegal actions. A good satire makes its audience laugh and causes them to reconsider an issue.
Analyzing a Cartoon What issue is this cartoon asking people to reconsider? What issue is this cartoon asking people to reconsider? How is irony and/or wit being used? How is irony and/or wit being used? Whose attitude is this cartoon calling attention to? Whose attitude is this cartoon calling attention to? What is being criticized? What is being criticized?
Some Techniques of Satire Exaggeration Exaggeration Reversal (When the satirist uses/describes the opposite of what he actually wants to happen in order to make a point) Reversal (When the satirist uses/describes the opposite of what he actually wants to happen in order to make a point) Incongruity (1. Lacking in harmony; incompatible: a joke that was incongruous with polite conversation. 2. Not in agreement, as with principles; inconsistent: a plan incongruous with reason. 3. Not in keeping with what is correct, proper, or logical; inappropriate: incongruous behaviour.) Incongruity (1. Lacking in harmony; incompatible: a joke that was incongruous with polite conversation. 2. Not in agreement, as with principles; inconsistent: a plan incongruous with reason. 3. Not in keeping with what is correct, proper, or logical; inappropriate: incongruous behaviour.) Parody (Weird Al: Parody (Weird Al: Sarcasm (Oscar Wilde wrote, “I am not young enough to know everything.”) Sarcasm (Oscar Wilde wrote, “I am not young enough to know everything.”)
Quickly, jot down a list of what you did yesterday… Example: woke up, had a shower, at breakfast, got ready, went to school, went to class, had lunch, more classes, went to gas station, bought groceries, went home, played with kids, ate supper, went for a walk, did baths, kids to bed, marking, watched TV, got ready, went to bed
Pay Attention to What Happens to This Family...
Why might The Simpson begin with these events: Bart writing on the board Bart writing on the board Bart on his skateboard Bart on his skateboard Homer leaving and driving home from work Homer leaving and driving home from work Marge at the supermarket checkout Marge at the supermarket checkout Lisa playing the saxophone Lisa playing the saxophone The family racing for the couch in front of the television The family racing for the couch in front of the television
What might these events be satirizing? Bart writing on the board Bart writing on the board Bart on his skateboard Bart on his skateboard Homer leaving and driving home from work Homer leaving and driving home from work Marge at the supermarket checkout Marge at the supermarket checkout Lisa playing the saxophone Lisa playing the saxophone The family racing for the couch in front of the television The family racing for the couch in front of the television Public Education Childhood Plight of the Working Man Consumerism (Maggie costs $847.63) Restrictions of public education and free thought Impact of Television on the Modern Family