Holland High School Construction Update June 8, 2011
What Construction Managers Do GDK and OAK Joint Venture Construction Managers: Schedule, Coordinate, and Conduct the Construction Project Architects and Engineers: Design the Facility
Safety Plan for Students & Staff Fencing/Barricades Contractor Identification Neon Safety Vests Hard Hats Signage Hours of Operation—7 am to 5 pm primarily although occasional off-shift work will occur
Contractors and Students Contractors are told to avoid interacting with students in order to protect students. They are here to do a job. GO Holland and GMB are committed to being part of the educational process. If staff are interested in utilizing the design and construction process as part of their curriculum, please contact Jim English or Rhonda Klomparens.
Summer 2011 Work Continue work on the Soccer/Tennis Complex across Van Raalte. Demolition of the tech wing Furniture removed the week of June 13 th. Demolition begins in late June. Work on the track will begin in July. Construction of the wing will begin in late summer/early fall.
Summer 2011 Disruptions Parking will change. See the diagram. The building will be shutdown for a couple days in July when the water will need to turned off. The dates of this are yet to be determined. Check your or the Build 21 website if you need to know the dates.
PARKING Student Parking Staff Parking Visitor Parking Contractor Parking
Parking Only buses will be allowed in the oval. Student drop-off will occur on 24 th and 27 th Streets. Students will park by the boiler house and across Van Raalte at the soccer/tennis facility. will be challenging for parking.
Parking We will have people on-site to help when students come back to school. If you are willing to help with this the first week, please let Marc VanSoest know. Please consider arriving extra early next fall during the first week in order to lessen the traffic and potential hiccups.
PHASED CONSTRUCTION Demolition Plan Upcoming Construction Plan
Anticipated Disruptions Center science classroom on the 2 nd floor will be disturbed when the wing is constructed. We are looking at either of these options, with a final decision in the fall once the design is 100% finalized: The room will not be available after the first trimester. The room will lose about 12 feet of its lab space but will be usable with temporary walls in place.
Anticipated Disruptions Science rooms on either side of the center science room will lose some of their windows during Two math rooms on the first floor will lose some of their windows during
Communication and Questions Communicate all safety concerns to a high school administrator. If you have questions about the designs, please follow the website or talk to a high school design team member. If you have questions about the technology implementation, please talk to a high school design team member.
Communication and Questions Please feel free to or call Jim English as well.