Spectrometer Solenoid Overview Roy Preece 31 st January 2011
Position 2010/11 Failure of the cool down and training operation during March 2010 FNAL convened review Investigation of failure – current lead internal to the cold mass MICE convened review Findings including Quench Protection investigation
Recovery Plan A plan of the recovery has been assembled and the timescales associated with the re-build have been estimated. The plan has been presented to the MAP Project Group, MAP Technical Board and the MICE Technical Board by Steve Virostek. We are waiting for approval from these groups before implementing the plan.
Current Work Quench protection analysis. –Analysis relating to Active or Passive –All quench scenarios being run –Quench back –Quench inducement –Should have answers by the Collaboration meeting –Should an active system be required an additional 2 months of effort will be required.
Current Work Cryogenic –Design to eliminate the Acoustic Resonance in the fill / vent lines. –Methods of MLI wrapping to minimise heat transfer –Shine path reduction
Current Work Drawings and Models –3D CAD Model produced from the 2D drawings provided by WANG NMR –Work still required to gain an “as built” model Mechanical –Work not related to the Quench Protection Vacuum chamber Cooler tower Radiation Shield Cold Mass machining for 5 cryocoolers
Current Work Controls –Meetings have been convened –Resolution of some problems – Feed throughs and cabling –Specification for Spectrometer Solenoids –Specification for cooling / magnet channel as a whole –Generic control system for testing / training of each magnet sub system. –A generic system has not been included into current plans and so may form an additional burden. –LBNL are liable for 2/3rds of the cost of the controls system for the Spectrometer Solenoids. –Having an active control system reduces the risk during cool down, training and field mapping operations significantly.
Resource RAL –Roy Preece (MICE Magnet Coordinator - Engineering) –Mike Courthold ( MICE Magnet Coordinator – Systems) DL –Ian Mullacrane (Control / Instrumentation Engineer) –Brian Martlew (Control software Engineer) LBNL –Steve Virostek (Mechanical Engineering / Project Manager) –Tapio Niinikovski (Cryogenic and System Engineer) –Soren Pestrmen (Quench protection and System Engineer) –Allan DeMello (Mechanical Designer) –Nanyang Li (Mechanical Engineer – Chinese speaker) –Sisi Shan (LBNL Student) WANG NMR –Bert Wang (Company owner) –WANG Designer –WANG Welders (Also works for SLAC) –WANG Mechanical Technician –Additional mechanical staff are being taken on – 3 Mechanical Technicians
Resource – Magnet Coordinator Roy Preece LTA from April for 1 year to have close oversight of the re-build Additional burden to the project circa £35k Oversight of all mechanical assembly Oversight of the internal Instrumentation Interaction with the Magnet Mapping operations required Oversight of the training operations Build of the “as built” CAD model for integration purposes Acting as the project support for Steve Virostek –Daily documentation of work carried out –Tracking / Updating of the schedule –Daily interaction with the contractor
Resource – Magnet Coordinator Roy Preece Feed back information to the Integration team regarding timescale / issues / mechanical assemblies. Overall visibility of the mechanical re-build and integration as well as an influence in where the management of the project is going. From this insight the risks and direction that the Spectrometer Solenoid re-build will have on the UK project can be managed and directed. Reduction of the risks to the UK deliverables to be of the highest priority.