BIBLE Lesson 1 God's Plan For Me
How did God create a man? God created man in His image and likeness
What complex systems do our bodies have? Nervous system Skeletal system Muscular system Circulatory system Excretory system
What does our mind use for? Our mind is use for thinking
What does our spirit use for? Our spirit is use for knowing God and His plans for our lives
What does the verse mean - We were made in God's own image? God gave us bodies that work wonderfully and spirit to know His plans for us
What do you think God made man special? Because we are God's masterpiece, He loves us and He cares for us
God blessed us with this life composed of? body soul spirit
Bible Verses Genesis 1:27 says we are made in God's image and likeness Psalm 8:3-9 tells us that the universe is such an awesome and wonderful display of God's power and creativity that we are very samll compared to it. Still, God puts us in charge of His whole world.
Bible Verses Psalm 139:1-18 tells us that God knows everything about us. He knows what we think, say, do and believe. verse tells us that God formed us in our mother's womb John 9:1-7 tells us that God has a plan for a blind man, just as He has a plan for each one of us
Q&A God have blessed us with life composed of: Body, soul, spirit In what image we are made of? God’s own image God also created us with physical body that has complex system such as: Nervous, skeletal, muscular, circulatory We can choose and think for ourselves through: Mind, emotion It is the one who wants to know God. Spirit
Q&A What verses tell us that God knows everything about us? Psalm 139:1-18 These are verses that tells story of God’s plan for a blind man. John 9:1-7 Verses that tell us that the universe is such awesome and wonderful display of God’s power and creativity. Psalm 8:3-9 God made a man special because he formed us and gave life because he cares for us and most especially we are His masterpiece