Safe Environment Diocese of Birmingham Youth Protection Presentation
November 16, 2015Holy Spirit Catholic Church Diocesan Child Protection Presentation Safe Environment Today’s Theme is LOVE God created man in his image; in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them. (Gen. 1:27) Human life is sacred because from its beginning it involves the creative action of God and it remains for ever in a special relationship with the Creator, who is its sole end. (CCC 2258)
November 16, 2015Holy Spirit Catholic Church Diocesan Child Protection Presentation Safe Environment Our Guiding Principles God created all life God created us special in his image and likeness The dignity of every life Respect for others The Church believes in the dignity of the human person and recognizes abusive behavior as sinful and in some cases criminal.
November 16, 2015Holy Spirit Catholic Church Diocesan Child Protection Presentation Safe Environment We have a broad understanding of abuse Physical Emotional Sexual Neglect If you know or feel something is not right…do not do it! Tell someone you trust! Get help!
November 16, 2015Holy Spirit Catholic Church Diocesan Child Protection Presentation Safe Environment There are very few things in life that someone should have to talk you into! Your body is your sacred domain. Sometimes we may not know how to act when someone that we trust does something either to us or someone we care for; remember this point. No one is free to force, pressure, tease or coax you into inappropriate behavior!
November 16, 2015Holy Spirit Catholic Church Diocesan Child Protection Presentation Safe Environment Unacceptable things to be aware of: Inappropriate language, touching or affection. Coercive behavior or language. Gifts; true gifts do not oblige you (think The Cross). Physical abuse and or neglect Situations with isolation (odd situations where you are alone with someone else) This behavior causes long-term suffering for many victims! SO, use the buddy system – be with others, stay with others! We are our brothers keepers!
November 16, 2015Holy Spirit Catholic Church Diocesan Child Protection Presentation Safe Environment We want a place of safety where we can share faith and healing, love and joy. Help us to provide a safe place for everyone! Understand which actions are appropriate and which are inappropriate for you, your peers and the adults around you.
November 16, 2015Holy Spirit Catholic Church Diocesan Child Protection Presentation Safe Environment We are children of God, things of beauty and worth, not objects to be used for our own or others pleasure! Everyone deserves respect and love! Know that you can and should say NO! Know that NO MEANS NO! Report instances or behavior to a trusted adult. If it happens to you, it is not your fault! Turn to the Lord for healing