Conversion Technologies Agenda Item 16 & 17 September 22, 2004 Judy Friedman Fernando Berton Rob Williams Keith Weitz Susan Collins
What we will cover today Agenda Items 16 & 17 Agenda Items 16 & 17 Staff/Contractor Presentations Staff/Contractor Presentations Board Q&A Board Q&A Public Testimony Public Testimony Discussion and Direction Discussion and Direction Next Steps Next Steps
CT-Background Historical Context for CT Exploration 2 Forums Initiated Research 2 Forums Initiated Research December 1999 – Santa Barbara May Sacramento Local Government and Developer Interest Local Government and Developer Interest Strategic Plan Development Strategic Plan Development Zero Waste Goal Zero Waste Goal Energy Crisis Energy Crisis
Per-capita waste generation and disposal in California with associated waste diversion rate Source; Williams et. al., (2003)
Board Policy Adoption - Resolution Conversion Definition: “…non-combustion thermal, chemical, biological means…” “…residual solid waste from which recyclables have been…diverted and/or removed…” “…products meet quality standards for use in marketplace…” “…minimum amount of residuals remaining after processing.” Board Findings for Diversion Credit: Jurisdiction continues to implement recycling/diversion programs. Facility complements existing infrastructure and converting solid waste previously disposed Facility maintains/enhances environmental benefits Facility maintains/enhances economic sustainability of IWM system Level of Credit: 10% if jurisdiction meet all criteria above Annually evaluate diversion credit 2005 Annual Report – Evaluate effects of diversion credit
AB 2770-Technical Evaluation Define and describe each conversion technology Define and describe each conversion technology Evaluate technical performance characteristics, feedstocks, emissions, and residues Evaluate technical performance characteristics, feedstocks, emissions, and residues Identify the cleanest, least polluting technologies Identify the cleanest, least polluting technologies
AB Lifecycle & Market Impact Assessment Describe and evaluate the life-cycle environmental and public health impacts of each conversion technology Describe and evaluate the life-cycle environmental and public health impacts of each conversion technology Compare to other solid waste management practices Compare to other solid waste management practices Describe and evaluate the impacts on the recycling and composting markets Describe and evaluate the impacts on the recycling and composting markets
AB 2770 Implementation RFP/IAA Process RFP/IAA Process Public Input/workshops Public Input/workshops Comments (verbal and written) Comments (verbal and written) Response to Comments Response to Comments Peer Review Peer Review Listserve Listserve
CT Major Categories Thermochemical Processes Pyrolysis Pyrolysis Typically indirectly heated, without oxygen 750 o F to 1500 o F Gasification Gasification Typically uses air or oxygen, can use steam, hydrogen and other Uses less air/oxygen than for incineration Typically above 1300 o F Technology Primary Product Secondary Product Residue GasificationFuel Gas Synthesis Gas Fuels, Chemicals, Power Char, Ash, Liquids PyrolysisPyrolytic oils Fuel Gas Synthesis Gas Fuels, Chemicals, Power Char, Ash
Incinerators vs. CT Differences with Incineration: Volume of output gases about 65% less per ton of feedstock Primary product is fuel/synthetic gas Provides opportunity for gas cleanup Air pollution control for exhaust gases Incinerators have no intermediate gas cleanup Air pollution control on exhaust gases only Requires addition of excess oxygen/air
CT Major Categories Anaerobic Biochemical Processes Anaerobic Digestion Bacteria break down feedstock No oxygen Fermentation Also anaerobic process Cellulosic materials require hydrolysis prior to fermentation Conversion by yeast and bacteria, may use recombinant organisms Technology Primary Product Secondary Product Residue Anaerobic Digestion Biogas Heat, Electricity, Fuels, Soil Amendment Lignin, inorganics Fermentation Ethanol, other alcohols and chemicals Animal feeds, CO 2 Lignin, inorganics
Feedstocks Primarily organic material currently landfilled Primarily organic material currently landfilled Thermochemical could convert all organic material being landfilled Thermochemical could convert all organic material being landfilled Biochemical could convert only biodegradable fraction Biochemical could convert only biodegradable fraction
Pretreatment Requirements All CTs require pretreatment step All CTs require pretreatment step Remove recyclables Remove recyclables Ferrous, non-ferrous metals and glass could reduce efficiency of high temp. systems Ferrous, non-ferrous metals and glass could reduce efficiency of high temp. systems Non-biodegradable materials could upset anaerobic systems Non-biodegradable materials could upset anaerobic systems California law and Board policy would require up-front recycling. California law and Board policy would require up-front recycling.
Operating Facilities Pyrolysis/Gasification Operating in Japan and Europe Operating in Japan and Europe 20 pyrolysis facilities 20 pyrolysis facilities 39 gasification facilities 39 gasification facilities Installed capacity > 2.5 million TPY Installed capacity > 2.5 million TPY = Approximately 8% of total organic material landfilled in California
Facility Problems Pyrolysis Facility – Germany Serious accident to due plug of waste Serious accident to due plug of waste Escaping pyrolytic gases Escaping pyrolytic gases Plant personnel hospitalized Plant personnel hospitalized Reason for accident Reason for accident Poor feedstock preparation Accepting large items such as mattresses Learning experience Learning experience Japanese companies using similar process successfully
Facility Problems Gasification Facility – Australia Char gasification component Char gasification component Financial problems Financial problems Parent company ceased funding Parent company ceased funding
Operating Facilities Biochemical Predominantly anaerobic digestion in Europe Predominantly anaerobic digestion in Europe Installed capacity in 2000 = 1.1 million TPY Installed capacity in 2000 = 1.1 million TPY Installed capacity in 2004 = 2.8 million TPY Installed capacity in 2004 = 2.8 million TPY 250% increase!!! 250% increase!!!
Anaerobic Digestion
CT Environmental Impacts All CTs will require environmental controls All CTs will require environmental controls MSW combustion emissions have improved MSW combustion emissions have improved CTs can offer improvements relative to combustion systems CTs can offer improvements relative to combustion systems
Emission Reductions for Combustion of MSW Pollutant1990 Emissions2000 EmissionsPercent Reduction Dioxins/furans, total mass basis 218,000 g/yr679 g/yr99+ Dioxins/furans, Toxic equivalent quantity basis 4,260 g/yr12.0 g/yr99+ Mercury45.2 tpy2.20 tpy95.1 Cadmium4.75 tpy0.333 tpy93.0 Lead52.1 tpy4.76 tpy90.9 Particulate matter6,930 tpy707 tpy89.8 Hydrochloric acid46,900 tpy2,672 tpy94.3 SO 2 30,700 tpy4,076 tpy86.7 NO x 56,400 tpy46,500 tpy17.6 Source; US EPA (2002). Same total tonnage of MSW
Emission Data for Various Thermochemical Facilities/Technologies - Gas Burned for Heat and Power - (mg/Nm 3 unless noted) Other use of synthesis gas may have lower emissions
Thermochemical Systems Residues Liquids/condensates can be created which require treatment before disposal (Standard methods) Liquids/condensates can be created which require treatment before disposal (Standard methods) Scrubber solutions from some Air Pollution Control Devices (Standard methods) Scrubber solutions from some Air Pollution Control Devices (Standard methods) Solid residues (process and feedstock dependent) Solid residues (process and feedstock dependent) May have commercial use subject to toxicity– otherwise need disposal May have commercial use subject to toxicity– otherwise need disposal
Biochemical Process Air Emissions -Use of Biogas- CARB Recommended BACT emissions for Biogas Fueled reciprocating engines (includes LFG) (ppm)(lb/MW-hr) NO x VOC CO PMNA US EPA has measured Dioxin emissions in LFG Flare and Engine exhaust concentrations up to 0.1 ng TEQ/N m 3
Biochemical Process Air Emissions -Use of Ethanol- Ethanol produced from MSW used as oxygenate in vehicle fuel subject to same emission requirements as ethanol from other sources Ethanol produced from MSW used as oxygenate in vehicle fuel subject to same emission requirements as ethanol from other sources
Biochemical Process Liquid Residues Liquid effluent from AD can be used as fertilizer- subject to toxicity, otherwise will require additional treatment before disposal Liquid effluent from AD can be used as fertilizer- subject to toxicity, otherwise will require additional treatment before disposal Spent solution from Acid Hydrolysis must be neutralized before disposal Spent solution from Acid Hydrolysis must be neutralized before disposal
Biochemical Process Solid Residues Feedstock Dependent - Large amount of solid residue compared to thermochemical conversion Feedstock Dependent - Large amount of solid residue compared to thermochemical conversion Depending on amount of up-front sorting, there may be opportunity for plastics, other organics, glass, and metals recovery Depending on amount of up-front sorting, there may be opportunity for plastics, other organics, glass, and metals recovery Undigested/unfermented biomass solids can be composted, used as thermochemical feedstock, or landfilled Undigested/unfermented biomass solids can be composted, used as thermochemical feedstock, or landfilled
Findings Thermochemical and Biochemical conversion systems are successfully operating on MSW Thermochemical and Biochemical conversion systems are successfully operating on MSW Market and Policy Driven Market and Policy Driven Europe – Public Health and GHG Reduction Goals Europe – Public Health and GHG Reduction Goals EU Landfill directive: Biodegradable Waste <35% of 1995 amount (by weight) by 2015 EU Landfill directive: Biodegradable Waste <35% of 1995 amount (by weight) by 2015 High Prices paid for Renewable Electricity High Prices paid for Renewable Electricity Carbon Trading Market Carbon Trading Market High Tipping Fees - Limited Landfill Capacity High Tipping Fees - Limited Landfill Capacity Japan – ‘Island Nation’ and GHG Reduction Goals Japan – ‘Island Nation’ and GHG Reduction Goals Very limited Landfill Capacity Very limited Landfill Capacity Limited Domestic Energy Resources Limited Domestic Energy Resources
Findings Thermochemical Systems compared to Biochemical Systems Thermochemical Systems compared to Biochemical Systems Higher Temperatures and Faster Reaction Rates Higher Temperatures and Faster Reaction Rates Larger Capacity or Smaller ‘Footprint’ Larger Capacity or Smaller ‘Footprint’ In general, best suited for dryer feedstocks, but can accept nearly all biomass and plastics (sorting is preferred) In general, best suited for dryer feedstocks, but can accept nearly all biomass and plastics (sorting is preferred) Wider range of possible Products Wider range of possible Products Usually less solid residue Usually less solid residue
Findings Biochemical Systems Compared to Thermochemical Systems Biochemical Systems Compared to Thermochemical Systems Lower Temperatures and Slower Reaction Rates Lower Temperatures and Slower Reaction Rates Large Capacity Requires large facility Large Capacity Requires large facility Best suited for higher moisture feedstocks Best suited for higher moisture feedstocks Cannot degrade Plastics and a portion of the biomass (lignin) Cannot degrade Plastics and a portion of the biomass (lignin) Sorting of the Feedstock is highly desirable Sorting of the Feedstock is highly desirable More solid residue, but can be composted or dried and used for thermochemical feedstock More solid residue, but can be composted or dried and used for thermochemical feedstock Exclusion from transformation category and allowance of full diversion credit provides economic incentive for AD over other CTs Exclusion from transformation category and allowance of full diversion credit provides economic incentive for AD over other CTs
Fractions of Total Mass and Energy of Components in the California Landfill Stream Source; Williams et. al., (2003)
Findings Development of CTs will lead to more source separation or enhanced sorting Development of CTs will lead to more source separation or enhanced sorting Expected to improve recovery rates of glass and metals for recycling Expected to improve recovery rates of glass and metals for recycling
Recommendations The definition provided in AB 2770 for gasification should be revised to provide a more scientifically correct description of the gasification process. The definition provided in AB 2770 for gasification should be revised to provide a more scientifically correct description of the gasification process. Consider whether technology specific definitions are needed in statute Consider whether technology specific definitions are needed in statute Improved definitions, if needed, are given in the report. Improved definitions, if needed, are given in the report.
Recommendations (contd.) Continue to investigate CTs in more detail Continue to investigate CTs in more detail Need more complete emissions data of existing facilities. Need more complete emissions data of existing facilities. More specific detail on commercial status. More specific detail on commercial status. Assess social and economic costs of all waste management alternatives. Assess social and economic costs of all waste management alternatives.
Recommendations (contd.) Sponsor pilot scale demonstration facilities within California Sponsor pilot scale demonstration facilities within California Include a number of different technologies Include a number of different technologies Steering Committee of Stakeholders Steering Committee of Stakeholders Detailed analysis of systems Detailed analysis of systems Open dissemination of results Open dissemination of results Goal is to develop verifiable and credible information
Recommendations (contd.) Explore development of ‘Eco-Park’ concept (complete stream recycling facilities) Explore development of ‘Eco-Park’ concept (complete stream recycling facilities) Investigate biorefinery concepts Investigate biorefinery concepts
Recommendations (contd.) Improve the characterization of MSW in order better predict the behavior of conversion systems. Physical and Chemical Properties Physical and Chemical Properties Proximate, ultimate, and other elemental analysis including ash, metals, and toxic cogeners Proximate, ultimate, and other elemental analysis including ash, metals, and toxic cogeners Higher heating values (HHV) Higher heating values (HHV) Structural carbohydrate analyses (cellulose/hemicellulose/lignin) for cellulosic components Structural carbohydrate analyses (cellulose/hemicellulose/lignin) for cellulosic components Protein/carbohydrate/fats for typical food and other wastes Protein/carbohydrate/fats for typical food and other wastes
Recommendations (contd.) To encourage CT development and reduce landfilling Explore financing mechanisms Explore financing mechanisms Co-location with existing waste handling facilities Co-location with existing waste handling facilities
Other Reports CADDET – August 1998 Advanced thermal CTs will meet current emission standards Advanced thermal CTs will meet current emission standards Could meet tighter limits Could meet tighter limits Lower emissions than mass burn technology Lower emissions than mass burn technology Waste sorting for more homogeneous feedstock Waste sorting for more homogeneous feedstock Lower gas flow Lower gas flow Improved producer gas combustion Improved producer gas combustion
Other Reports CADDET Prior to 1990 – Facilities used unsorted MSW Prior to 1990 – Facilities used unsorted MSW Abandoned due to technical problems Abandoned due to technical problems Proved that CTs required homogeneous feedstock Proved that CTs required homogeneous feedstock Pre-sorting/size reduction imperative to remove recyclables Pre-sorting/size reduction imperative to remove recyclables Presence of recycling programs may improve economics Presence of recycling programs may improve economics Reducing pre-treatment requirements Reducing pre-treatment requirements Potential benefits of thermal CTs Potential benefits of thermal CTs Lower environmental impacts Lower environmental impacts Higher conversion efficiencies Higher conversion efficiencies Greater compatibility with recycling Greater compatibility with recycling
Other Reports Alternative Waste Management Technologies and Practices Inquiry – April 2000 No one technology is suitable for all waste streams Each technology can form part of an IWM system Pyrolysis/Gasification can operate at smaller or modular scale. Fermentation would have limited air/water emissions.
AB Lifecycle & Market Impact Assessment Describe and evaluate the life-cycle environmental and public health impacts of each conversion technology Describe and evaluate the life-cycle environmental and public health impacts of each conversion technology Compare to other solid waste management practices Compare to other solid waste management practices Describe and evaluate the impacts on the recycling and composting markets Describe and evaluate the impacts on the recycling and composting markets Analysis based on hypothetical scenarios in S.F. Bay Area and L.A. Basin Analysis based on hypothetical scenarios in S.F. Bay Area and L.A. Basin Growth Scenarios established Growth Scenarios established
Board Q&A
Public Testimony
Summary of Contractor Recommendations UC Technical StudyLifecycle/Market Impact Study Revise “Gasification” definition.Update the study results with environmental, operating, and market data from actual facilities in California and US, as they become available. Formal vendor evaluation by neutral, third party Analyze regions with a wider variation in waste composition. Sponsor pilot-scale facility. Include steering committee Analyze other feasible conversion technologies Improve MSW characterizationAnalyze optimal conversion technology facility configurations Collect additional dataInvestigate the market impacts of handling other types of waste streams Create co-funding mechanismResearch conversion factors for plastics Explore “eco-park” conceptResearch the potential impact of exports to China on recycling markets Analyze small modular conversion technology facilities
CT Report to Legislature Definitions of CTs evaluated Definitions of CTs evaluated Description of lifecycle/public health impacts Description of lifecycle/public health impacts Description of technical performance Description of technical performance Feedstocks, Emissions, Residues I.D. cleanest, least polluting CT I.D. cleanest, least polluting CT Description of market impacts Description of market impacts Recycling Composting
CT Report to Legislature Separate definitions for “thermochemical” and “biochemical” conversion Include discussion on diversion credit Additional studies to address data gaps Address comments beyond scopes of work Contractor recommendations
Next Steps October 1 workshop October 1 workshop Proposed Nov. Discussion Item Proposed Nov. Discussion Item