Converting PROSCAN CS to EPICS Status Damir Anicic, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland For EPICS collaboration meeting 2008, Shanghai, 10-14.


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Presentation transcript:

Converting PROSCAN CS to EPICS Status Damir Anicic, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland For EPICS collaboration meeting 2008, Shanghai, March 2008

What is PROSCAN? Medical facility for tumor treatment First beam Patient treatment since GANTRY1 in operation New OPTIS soon GANTRY2 patients in 2009 Experiment (PIF) area in use In-house developed ACS CS Conversion to EPICS in progress Gantry1 operation and OPTIS tests during working hours PIF on most nights/weekends => No time to test EPICS available COMET: Compact Medical Therapy Cyclotron Diameter = 3.2 m, Weight = 90 t, Power-consumption = 300 kW, Superconducting Energy = 250 MeV Protons

Facts Project start Delayed to because of GANTRY1 One person for IOCs (drivers,templates,…), 100% One person for DataBase, up to 50% One person for Workstation applications, up to 30%

Facts (2) 104Magnets 54Digital I/O 1Degrader 22„Digitizer“ 91Harps (profile monitors) 88Current measurements++ 110RPS (Interlock) 7Motors 22High Voltage Sources 48Vacuum devices - PLC 284COMET devices - PLC 116Virtual 350 VME boards or IP modules on 21 IOCs

How to migrate to EPICS Keep naming conventions Base on same principle (IOCs do simple I/O) Make “workstation-apps” talk EPICS-CA Adjust MEDM screens Use existing EPICS drivers, implement missing Create required templates Implement driver-configs, substitution files All data (templates/substitutions/driver-configs) in DB

How to do that? KISS-principle : Keep It Simple and Stupid –Just do it, simple and as fast as possible Find time to test it (Saturday, first try) Correct mistakes, implement what was forgotten and go to previous step unless all done and OK

What has been done 11drivers 3record types 4genSubs 50MEDM adl files adjusted 10Applications converted to CA

What has been done (2) 52templates 365driver configs 1009template substitutions 35628records created

What happened on March 1 st Boot 20 EPICS IOCs (all but one) One did not start, unplug one card, starts Many wrong driver configs detected and corrected No single digital I/O worked (driver config mix-up diagnosed) We forgot to implement Waveform template substitutions (91), few added to test it First try was declared a success

What’s next Second try end of March (probably) –Detect and correct any errors –We’ll try to get the beam up On later trials –Convert other applications (Beam Allocator is crucial) –Do dummy-irradiations together with medical group Switch to EPICS in Jun 2008 (?)

That’s all Folks! We are all GENIUS!